The plural form for the demonstrative pronoun 'this' is these.
The plural form for the personal pronoun 'I' is we.
Pronoun-verb agreement requires a correct match between a pronoun and a verb based on number (singular or plural).A singular pronoun requires a verb for a singular subject.Example: She is expected at noon. (singular subject pronoun)A plural pronoun requires a verb for a plural subject.Example: They are expected at noon. (plural subject pronoun)
The plural form of the first person, subjective pronoun 'I' is we.
The word "us" is a plural pronoun. The singular pronoun is "I".
Pronoun: They. βTheyβ is a plural pronoun for the chairs.
Yes, the pronoun 'their' is the third person, plural, possessive adjective.Example: The Jacksons are expecting their second child. (the child of the people spoken about, 'the Jacksons')
A ten letter, third person, plural pronoun is themselves (a reflexive pronoun).
The word 'them' is a plural, objective, personal pronoun. The pronoun 'them' is the direct object of the verb 'see'.
The plural of "she" is "they", so the plural of "she had" is "they had".
The pronoun 'we' is the plural form, first person subjective personal pronoun. The singular, first person subjective personal pronoun is 'I'.
The pronoun 'he' is a third person, singular, subjective personal pronoun that takes the place of a noun (or name) for a male as the subject of a sentence or a clause.Example: Jack was nimble. Jack was quick. He jumped over the candlestick.