What is a Bennite solution?
It's an extreme solution that pertains to right wing party ideas.Further answer and reply to above:Although it has been supposed by some that this expression relates to "sweeping change" brought about from "right wing party ideas," nevertheless, cursory research demonstrates the contrary and reveals that such an understanding does not accord with the historical background of the expression.The expression derives from Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn(born April 3, 1925), known as Tony Benn, formerly 2nd Viscount Stansgate. He was a British politician on the left of the Labour Party. He was instrumental in the creation of the Peerage Act 1963. The term "a bennite solution", generally understood to mean a radical left-wing solution, was derived from Benn's name.It is used with great humor in the BBC TV series, "Yes Minister," especially by Sir Humphrey Appleby and other highly placed civil servants, whenever someone proposes sweeping changes in the government.The "mistake" made in thinking of the expresssion as a "right wing idea" very likely comes from that TV series, since Sir Humphrey almost always uses it to counter changes in government that would REDUCE the size of government (a right wing idea). But it began it's life involved with LEFT-wing politics.