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Active sentences have this basic form -- subject + verb + object.

The subject is the person or thing that does the action of the verb. The object is the person or thing that "receives" the action eg

James ate the cake.

In this sentence we can see who did the action of eat (ate is past tense) it was James and the thing he ate was the cake (object).

In passive sentences there is often no subject and the verb phrase has this form -- be + past participle The object is also in the subject position eg

The cake was eaten.

In passive sentences if you want to say who or what did the action of the verb then you do it by adding -- by + noun/noun phrase at the end of the sentence eg

The cake was eaten by James.

Passive sentences are often used for writing about a process where it is not important who or what does the action eg

The letters are taken to the sorting room. There they are put in a sorting machine.

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Q: What do you mean when you say the verb is in the active voice?
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What do you mean by active and passive voice?

Active voice is when the subject of a sentence performs the action, while passive voice is when the subject is acted upon by the verb. In active voice, the sentence structure follows a subject-verb-object pattern, whereas in passive voice, the object becomes the subject and the verb is conjugated as a form of "to be" plus the past participle of the main verb.

What does active voice mean in language?

In language, active voice refers to a sentence structure where the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb. It emphasizes the doer of the action, making the sentence more direct and straightforward. For example, "She wrote the letter" is in active voice, with "she" as the subject performing the action of writing the letter.

Does the tense of verb change when changing from active to passive voice?

Yes, the tense of the verb remains the same when changing from active to passive voice. Only the subject and object positions are swapped.

Changing active to passive voice formula and example?

You can change the active voice to the passive voice by changing an object to a subject, as follows: let us say that your original sentence is Fred has eaten dinner. That is the active voice. Dinner is the object. In the passive voice dinner becomes the subject, so the sentence becomes, dinner has been eaten. Fred, the original subject, has disappeared. We no longer know who ate the dinner, we merely know that it has been eaten by someone. The passive voice is therefore distinguished by being less informative. It is used by people who are trying to evade responsibility for something, or to avoid being specific. Something happened but we can't say who did it.ANDThe form of passive is be + past participleeg - been eaten, being eaten, was cooked, is cooked,The passive allows us to leave the 'doer' of the verb out of the sentence. This is useful if the 'doer' is not important. egThe Mona Lisa was painted in the 16th century.If you want to say who does the action of a passive verb add by + pronoun / noun phrase at the end of the sentence. This is called the agent.The dinner was eaten by Fred.This is useful if you want to emphasis the agent egThe painting is very valuable. It was painted by Van Gogh.

Is this passive or active voice there were five dollars?

This sentence is in passive voice. To change it to active voice, you could say "Five dollars were present."

What does clame mean in french?

clame comes for the verb 'clamer', meaning to shout or say in a very loud voice.

How do you change a voice to passive voice?

To change a voice to passive voice, the object of the active voice sentence becomes the subject in the passive voice sentence. The verb is then changed to a form of "be" + the past participle of the main verb. The subject of the active voice sentence is often omitted or moved to the end of the passive voice sentence.

How can you change should active voice to passive voice?

You can't: there is no passive form of this verb--just as there is no passive form of the verb "to go". Why? Because in order to have a passive voice, the verb in question must be transitive: i.e., take an object. You can't should a thing, or go a thing. But you can, for instance, stroke a thing. So you can say that the thing is/was stroked--passive.

What is meant by voice?

If a sentence is in the active voice the form is subject + verb + The dog bit the man.If a sentence is in the passive voice the form is object + verb. The person or thing that does the action (subject) is not always The man was bitten.The verb phrase in a passive sentence is always be + past participle.If you want to say who or what does the action then by + noun (phrase) is added at the end of the passive The man was bitten by the dog.

Is what do you prefer to be called by active or passive voice?

"to be called" is passive, but "what do you prefer" is active. To make "to be called" active, you could say "what do you prefer that others call you?" To make "what do you prefer" passive, you would say "what is preferred by you..."

What is the difference between active and passive voice?

Active voice is when the subject of a sentence performs the action, while passive voice is when the subject receives the action. In active voice, the sentence structure is subject-verb-object, while in passive voice, it is object-verb-subject. Active voice is generally clearer and more direct than passive voice.

Is 'I want my MTV' in passive voice?

No, "I want my MTV" is in the active voice. "MTV is wanted by me" uses the passive voice, but it is very awkward and not something someone would actually say. The following example shows active and passive voice in expressions that are actually used: Active voice: We made mistakes. Passive voice: Mistakes were made.