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He might not have been feeling well. No information has been released identifying the reasoning behind his absence.

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Q: What caused Chris Matthews absence from Hard Ball?
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How much would a ball signed by Gary Matthews be worth?

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How does ball size affect the time it takes the ball to fall?

The size of a ball does not directly affect the time it takes to fall in the absence of air resistance. In a vacuum, all objects would fall at the same rate regardless of size. This is known as the principle of acceleration due to gravity.

How many objectives are in the sentence 'The dent in the door was caused by that ball on the green grass'?

The nouns are: dent door ball grass The objective compliments in the sentence "The dent in the door was caused by that ball on the green grass" are door and grass. Dent is the subject. Caused is the verb. Ball is the direct object.

Chris had 4.23How much more money does he need to buy a volley ball of 9.00?

If Chris had $4.23 and he wants to buy a volley ball for $9.00, he will need $4.77 more. You subtract $4.23 from $9.00.

When using proper name Chris what is the plural?

Two examples would be: "There are three Chrises in the family" or "There are three people named Chris in the family." If you were to use an apostrophe (Chris's) the noun would then become possessive: "That is Chris's ball."

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The cast of Beach Ball - 2011 includes: Chris Lovick as Man

Chris Lofton will go pro?

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On Everybody Hates Chris what sport is Chris assumed to be good at?

BasketballI think that Chris is good at catching things like bottles ,balls and cups so he is good at basket ball .

What are chris's hobbies?

He like 2 play B ball, and chill with his friends when he has time.

Is Chris Brown half white?

The magic 8 ball says: "Most likely"