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Q: The shorter term served by members of the House tends to make them?
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What house of Congress tends to introduce the most bills?

The House of Representatives, simply because there are 435 members as compared to the Senates 100 members.

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A pavlova is a dessert, usually served with fresh (or tinned) fruit and cream, and tends to be served as a summerdessert.

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It is not a metal. It tends to get shorter when heated.

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Yes, in general, air tends to flow faster over shorter formations due to less surface area for friction to slow the air down. This can result in increased wind speed and turbulence over shorter structures.

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members of a major political party

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The Ulster Bank is located in Ireland. It tends to have good reviews from customers and members on trust and loyalty of the bank and their staff members.

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Age, as you grow older (50+) you tend to shrink in height an inch or two. This is because calcium tends to be leached from your bones.

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It depends where they are. Some of them live comfortably in warmed buildings. Others must camp, generally in tends, for shorter periods.

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A Lamia house is in the style of the city of Lamia, Greece. The style may be found along the extreme southwest coast of Italy. That's the part of Italy where influences remain from the ancient settlement of the area by Greeks. The house tends to be smaller, but roomy and well organized. It tends to be built of stone.

Characteristics of house fly?

Likes food. Tends to hang out in the kitchen. Communicates in wild buzzes.

Is the US government far right?

Yes and no. There are certain members of congress who would certainly be considered far right. But there are others who would be considered moderate, and even a few who are to the left. With 435 members of congress, it is difficult to make a statement about them all. That said, yes there have been times when the government leaned very much to the right, and a few other times when it leaned to the left. These days, the House of Representatives tends to favor right-wing policies, while the senate tends to favor moderate or center-left policies.

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Gore-tex tends to be crunchy and more expensive than in-house waterproofing.