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The plural form of the noun 'gluteus' is glutei.

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Q: Plural of gluteus
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How do you spell glutius maximus?

Either of the two large muscles of the human posterior (seat, buttocks, derriere) is a gluteus maximus (plural gluteus maximi).

What is the scientific name of buttocks?

Well, darling, the scientific term for buttocks is the gluteus maximus. That's just a fancy way of saying "booty" in Latin. So next time someone asks about your gluteus maximus, just give them a little wiggle and a wink.

Is the gluteus maximus the largest of the gluteus muscles in the cat?

The largest gluteal muscle in the cat is the gluteus medius as opposed to the misconception that it is the gluteus maximus. Though the gluteus maximus is very large in humans, this muscle is found to be small in the cat.

What is the smallest of the gluteal muscles?

gluteus minimus

What is the muscle that holds the gluteus maximus called?

Gluteus Medius

What a thigh muscle moves?

The "glutes" including the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor fasciae latae

What are the two muscles that rotate the thigh?

In human's, the two muscles that rotate the thigh are the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus. The gluteus medius is located on the outer surface of the pelvis with the gluteus minimus underneath it.

What is the agonist for the gluteus medius?

The gluteus medius is an agonist for the lateral rotator group The gluteus medius is responsible forward propulsion and balance.

What 2 muscles abduct the thigh?

gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus

How many bones in a gluteus maxmimus?

None, your gluteus maximum is is a muscle.

Where is the Gluteus Maximus on a body?

Gluteus Maximus is the correct name for your buttocks.

Is gluteus medius antagonist to gluteus maximus?

Yes, the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus are both muscles in the gluteal region, but they serve different functions. The gluteus medius primarily functions to abduct the thigh, while the gluteus maximus functions to extend and externally rotate the hip joint. They can work synergistically or as antagonists depending on the specific movement being performed.