She was an Irish Saint, that very little is known about except she died at seventeen, a virgin. She read out The Bible to others living in the streets that could not read or afford bibles. There is an air lingus plane named after her but the plane is named St.Keeva the English way.
"Aoibhe" is the Irish spelling. It's pronounced "ee-vuh."
Ava The above is the English way to spell Ava so here is the Gaelic-Irish way. Gaelic is an umbrella term for a number of languages. I can only speak for the Irish language. Éabha is the Irish for Eve pronounced "Ey -va" (as in "hey") Aoibhe is mistakenly used as a way to spell Ava in Irish but it is incorrect. Aoibhe is pronounced "ee-veh" not "ava". Not to be confused also with the more common "Aoife. (Both Aoibhe and Aoife derived from old Irish 'aoibh' meaning pleasure so the name means radiant or beautiful)
Saint Noel Chabanel is a saint but not a patron saint.
Saint Aleth of Dijon (Alice) is a saint but not a patron saint.
*Saint Anne; Saint Anthony of Padua; Saint Dominic of Silos; Saint Elizabeth; Saint Gerard Majella; Saint Joseph
Babylas is a saint but not a patron saint.
Kiara is a saint but not a patron saint at this time.
Mellon is a saint but not a patron saint.
Saint Cocca is not a patron saint.
Yes, Saint Peter is really a saint. If he were not a saint he would not have that title.
Yes, Saint Damian, the brother of Saint Cosmas, is a Catholic saint.