There is no saint named Jade. However, there is Saint Jader of Sigum, Bishop in Numidia, North Africa, who was martyred in the year 257.
No such St. exists! There was a woman named Jade Goody in Upshire, England who died of cancer in 2009, I believe. Someone from the Open Church of England felt she should be declared a St. However, she was not a member of the church.
There is no saint named Scarlett.There is no saint named Scarlett.
no, but there is a succulent plant named jade.
Thgere is no saint named Jenny but there is a saint named Genevieve.
There is no canonized saint named Madison.
There is no saint named Rae.
There is no saint in the Catholic tradition named Saint Tatum. The name Tatum is not a commonly recognized saint's name.
jade puget only has one dog named Munch who is a female. jade puget only has one dog named Munch who is a female.
There is a saint named Therese and several others named Teresa but I can find no saint named Theresa.
There is a saint named Therese and several others named Teresa but I can find no saint named Theresa.
I can find no reference to any saint named Kyle.
I can find on reference to any saint named Scarlet.