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Q: How much vacation time do journalists get?
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Astronauts receive vacation time like other federal employees, which can vary depending on the agency they work for. They may accrue vacation days based on their time of service or have scheduled breaks in between missions. Additionally, astronauts have downtime during and after spaceflights to recuperate and spend time with family.

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There is NO US law that mandates that any employee is entitled to any vacation time ... So the time that one gets for vacation is at the employers discretion ...

How much vacation time does an astronomer get?

The amount of vacation time an astronomer gets can vary depending on their employer and contract. Generally, astronomers in the United States receive around two to four weeks of paid vacation leave per year.

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1 millennium

How much vacation time do you get as an accountant?

4 weeks

How much vacation time do you get as an environmentalist?

Vacation time is determined by each employer individually, so it will depend on what organization you end up working for.

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3 days a year

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depends on where you work and what position

How much vacation time does a NFL player have?


How much vacation time does congress get?

More than it dserves