As You Already Know, There Is A Tremendus Difference, Since Woman Sports Are More Unwatched And Unnoticed Then Mens Sports.Average For Men: Is Between 4.5Million And 5.1Million.. The Highest Average Being From 1978-1979. Average For Womans: Is Between 2.1million And 2.9Million. The Highest Average From 1978-1979. (Note: Womans Average Reached Millions In The 1974 Year) Scorce:
Starting salary for professional athlete is $500,000 a year on average.
Tiger Woods is an extreme example - pulling in around $100 million - who endorses a wide variety of products.
It depends how good they are. If they are as googd as LeBron James or Randy Moss, you'll make milloions!! <3
If the athlete made $1,000,000 a year, they would make $2,739 a day. But really it depends on the Athlete.
How much a professional athlete makes each year depends on how well he or she does in that sport and how many sponsors and advertisers work with the athlete. A professional athlete has the potential to make millions of dollars per year.
the average amount a pro athlete makes a season is around $29,450 (not evryone can be lebron james and make $20 million)
If Your good enough to make it in to the nba or nfl or major leauges
It depends on the sport and you spelled make wrong
Professional runners make most of their money in endorsements. When a runner wins a gold medal in the Olympics, they only get $25,000.
In 2010, the average pay was about $15-16 an hour.Thanks for using!
It really depends on the sport.