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Yes, his dad is Haitian and his mom is Irish/Native American, which makes him a Haitian American.

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Q: Does Travis McCoy have a mixed racial heritage?
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Travis McCoy Ethnicity?

His mother is white and his father is black, he is mixed

Is Travis McCoy dating Kelly Osbourne?

Lol, I think you got Kelly Osbourne mixed up with Katy Perry... Travis McCoy is adorable.. Katy Perry looks so cute with him!

How many presidents were of mixed heritage?

Barack Obama is the first US President to acknowledge a mixed racial heritage while in or seeking office. He has a mixed heritage because his father is from Africa and his mother was a Caucasian American.

What is considered a mixed race?

Mixed race refers to individuals who have heritage from multiple racial or ethnic backgrounds. It can encompass a variety of combinations, and individuals may identify with more than one racial or ethnic group.

Who were the mestizos (the working class members of Latin American society?

people of mixed European and Indian heritage

Does it mean I'm mixed race if I have a mixed heritage?

Having mixed heritage or ancestry typically means that you come from multiple racial or ethnic backgrounds. However, identifying as mixed race is a personal choice and is based on how you see your own identity and experiences. It's important to respect how individuals choose to identify, whether they consider themselves mixed race or not.

What is a mixed world heritage?

A mixed site has both natural and cultural criteria for a world heritage site.

Is Marvin humes mixed racial?

He is

How is mixed race better than half caste?

The term "mixed race" is generally preferred over "half caste" because it is more inclusive and respectful of the diversity and complexity of different racial backgrounds. "Half caste" carries a historical connotation of discrimination and a pejorative tone, whereas "mixed race" acknowledges the heritage and identity of individuals with multiple racial backgrounds in a more positive and affirming way.

What does the term mestizo means?

Mixed racial ancestry

Was the 42nd US President's mother a mulatto?

No. Virginia Clinton Kelley (nee Cassidy) was never considered part-African American. However, this does not preclude the possibility that she may have had mixed racial heritage, from the days when many slaves, Indians, and whites in Arkansas had "mulatto" or mixed-race children.

What mixed ethnic heritage do most colombians claim?

MESTIZO mixed of europeans and indians