When and where was baseball player Brett Butler born?
Brett Butler was born June 15, 1957, in Los Angeles, CA,
What actors and actresses appeared in Brett Butler Presents the Southern Belles of Comedy - 2009?
The cast of Brett Butler Presents the Southern Belles of Comedy
- 2009 includes: Brett Butler as herself Lisa Landry as herself
Trish Suhr as herself Sarah Tiana as herself
What are baseball player Brett Butler's physical stats?
Brett Butler is 5 feet 10 inches tall. He weighs 160 pounds. He
bats left and throws left.
What are the release dates for The Daily Show - 1996 Brett Butler 5-50?
The Daily Show - 1996 Brett Butler 5-50 was released on:
USA: 30 October 2000
Brett Butler's TV show was called Grace Under?
Brett Michaels where did he come from?
Butler, Pennsylvania, right near Pittsburgcalifronia