Grantland Rice died on July 13, 1954, in New York City, New
York, USA of stroke.
How did Henry grantland rice die?
he die of old age
What are the release dates for Ty Cobb and Grantland Rice Talk Things Over - 1930?
Ty Cobb and Grantland Rice Talk Things Over - 1930 was released
USA: 1930
When was Grantland created?
Grantland was created in 2011.
What movie and television projects has Grantland Rice been in?
Grantland Rice has: Played Narrator in "Crystal Champions" in
1929. Played himself in "Ty Cobb and Grantland Rice Talk Things
Over" in 1930. Played Narrator in "Blue Grass Kings" in 1931.
Played Narrator in "Water Bugs" in 1931. Played Grantland Rice -
Writer in "Madison Sq. Garden" in 1932. Played himself in
"Hollywood Hobbies" in 1935. Played himself in "Acrobatic Aces" in
1941. Played Sportscaster in "The Big Fix" in 1947. Played Himself
- Sports Reporter in "Texaco Star Theater" in 1948. Played
Toastmaster in "Follow the Sun" in 1951. Played Himself - Guest
Writer in "The Jackie Gleason Show" in 1952.