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Parachutes work best in a dense medium. Since air density decreases with altitude, the closer you are to the surface the better a parachute will work. You still have to give it time to deploy to work, though.

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1w ago

A parachute will slow a skydiver more at a lower altitude because air density increases the closer you get to the ground. This increased air density provides more resistance, which helps to slow down the skydiver more effectively.

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Q: Will a parachute slow a sky diver more at a very high altitude or at a lower altitude?
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How high does a parachute fly?

A parachute can fly as high as the person or object carrying it jumps or falls from. Parachutes are designed to open and slow the descent of the person or object at a specific altitude to ensure a safe landing.

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High Altitude-Low Opening .My VersionOne of many is High Altitude Low Opening and refers to a special Parachute technique use to insert soldiers and spies covertly. The person jumps out of the Aircraft at 30,000 or 40,000 feet and then waits until the very last possible instant to open his parachute reducing the likely hood of being detected.

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Yes, oxygen saturation is typically lower at high altitudes due to the decrease in air pressure and the reduced availability of oxygen. This can result in symptoms of altitude sickness and decreased exercise performance.

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Is air pressure greater at high altitudes or low altitudes?

It is greater at a lower altitude.

Why is it difficult to hard boil an egg at high altitude?

Because the air pressure is lower then at sealevel, the boiling temperature of the water is lower. Unless you have a (high) pressure cooker.

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the high altitude correlates with lower temps and incresed moisture

Why does water boils in high altitude area than lower lands?

Water boils at a lower temperature in high altitude areas because the atmospheric pressure is lower at higher elevations. The lower air pressure reduces the boiling point of water. This means that the water reaches its boiling point quicker, even though the temperature is lower than at sea level.