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He had the measles but later found out he didn't.

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Q: Why was ken mattingly replaced on the crew apollo 13?
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Why was Ken mattingly replaced for the Apollo 13 mission?

Ken Mattingly was replaced as the command module pilot for Apollo 13 because he was exposed to German measles and had no immunity to it. To ensure the safety of the crew, Mattingly was replaced by Jack Swigert.

What was the name of the astronaut that did not fly on the Apollo 13?

The astronaut who did not fly on Apollo 13 was Ken Mattingly. He was originally part of the Apollo 13 crew but was replaced by Jack Swigert after being exposed to German measles.

Which crew member did not get to fly Apollo 13?

The original crew for Apollo 13 included Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, and Ken Mattingly. However, Ken Mattingly was replaced by Jack Swigert just days before the mission due to concerns about his exposure to German measles.

What astronout did not fly the Apollo 13?

Well, The crew that was supposed to go on Apollo 13 was Alan Sheppard's crew, but he got an ongoing ear infection so he and his crew got bumped. Afterwards, Jim Lovell and his crew (Fred Haise, and Ken Mattingly) were assigned for the Apollo 13 mission, but because the doctors thought Ken Mattingly was going to have the measles, he got bumped from the mission and was replaced with Jack Swigert. Hope this helps! :)

What is Ken Mattingly's role in the movie Apollo 13?

Ken Mattingly was portrayed as the Command Module Pilot in the movie Apollo 13. He was originally part of the crew but was replaced prior to launch due to concerns about his exposure to measles.

Who replaced James Lovell in Apollo 13?

James Lovell of Apollo 13, was never replaced instead it was Ken Mattingly who was replaced by Jack Swigert.

Why was Ken Martingale removed from the prime crew?

Ken Mattingly was removed from the prime crew of Apollo 13 due to concerns about his potential exposure to German measles. There was a chance that he could be a carrier and infect the other crew members, so he was replaced by Jack Swigert for the mission.

In Apollo thirteen who was the astronaut that had the measles?

In "Apollo 13," the astronaut who was initially selected to fly on the mission but had to be replaced due to having the measles was Ken Mattingly, portrayed by actor Gary Sinise.

What mission did the replaced astronaut from Apollo 13 eventually get to fly on?

Ken Mattingly flew as Command Module Pilot on Apollo 16.

Who was included in the back-up crew for Apollo 11?

The backup crew for Apollo 11 was James Lovell (CDR), Fred Haise (LMP) and Ken Mattingly (CMP). They later became the prime crew for Apollo 13, though Mattingly was removed from the Apollo 13 crew a few days before launch due to exposure to measles. Jack Swigert, Apollo 13 backup CMP, replaced him. Mattingly later filled what would likely have been Swigert's originally-planned seat on Apollo 16.

Which actor ken mattingly on Apollo 13?

The actor that portrayed Ken Mattingly in the movie "Apollo 13" is Gary Sinise.

Why did the Apollo 14 crew become the Apollo 13 crew?

The original Apollo 13 crew had to be replaced due to health concerns. Ken Mattingly was removed from the flight because he was exposed to German measles, and Jack Swigert took his place. Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, and Stuart Roosa were then assigned as the new Apollo 14 crew.