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Q: Why the astronauts suddenly fly forwards and then suddenly moves backwards on there seats?
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What celestial object moves backwards among stars?

The celestial object that appears to move backwards among the stars is a planet in retrograde motion. This happens when a faster-moving planet "laps" a slower-moving outer planet from the viewpoint of Earth, causing it to look like it is moving backwards relative to the fixed stars in the sky.

What do astronauts do with their poop?

Astronauts' poop is sealed in bags on the International Space Station and stored until it is trashed in a spacecraft or cargo vehicle that burns up upon re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. Some missions have experimented with recycling waste into useful resources.

How can a rocket move through outer space where no matter exists for it to push on?

Rockets in space move by expelling mass at high velocities through their engines, creating a reaction force that propels the rocket forward. This principle is based on Newton's third law of motion, stating that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Since there is no air resistance in space to slow down the rocket, it can continue moving in the absence of external forces.

Describe the functions of the canadarm?

The Canadarm is a robotic arm used on the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station. It is used to manipulate payloads, support astronauts during spacewalks, and assist in spacecraft docking and undocking operations. The Canadarm plays a crucial role in assembling and maintaining spacecraft in orbit.

What is the inventor of the moon walk?

Michael Jackson is credited with popularizing the moonwalk, a dance move where the dancer moves backward while appearing to be walking forwards. While Jackson did not invent the moonwalk, he helped popularize it during a performance of "Billie Jean" on the television special "Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever" in 1983.

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What moves backwards and forwards in sound?

The atoms of the particular medium in which the sound is produced moves backward and forwards in sound.

What moves backwards and forwards but doesn't go anywhere?

A swing!

When sound is moving forwards and backwards what is it called?

When sound moves forwards and backwards rapidly, it is called oscillation. This back-and-forth movement is what creates sound waves.

When a truck collides with van van moves backwards and truck forwards why?

The truck is heavier

What bird can only move backwards?

no bird can only move backwards! only a hummingbird has the ability to move backwards but it also moves forwards and left to right!

What moves backwards and forwards?

A pendulum. It swings back and forth in a repeating motion.

What is tympanum system?

The tympanic membrane, or ear drum. A thin piece of skin inside the ear that moves backwards and forwards when sound waves reach it

What moves backwards and forwards in an ear?

The eardrum (tympanic membrane) moves backward and forward in response to sound waves, which then causes the tiny bones in the middle ear to vibrate and transmit the sound to the inner ear.

What moves forwards and backwards but has no legs it cannot talk it cannot walk it doesn't slither or crawl across the floor either It comes in a different shapes sizes and colours What is it?

A door! :)

What moves forwards and backwards but has no legs it cannot talk it cannot walk it doesn't slither or crawl across the floor either It comes in different shapes sizes and colours What is it?

A door! :)

What is narrative continuity?

Narrative continuity is when the story (narrative) moves from one point in time to another sequentially. IE--the story does not jump forwards and backwards in time, as in Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters, for example.

What are whirlpool bathtubs?

Rather than a normal bathtub which the water moves forwards, backwards, left and right, a whirlpool bathtub makes the water go clockwise/anti-clockwise to simulate a whirlpool effect.