Because if the Century and the years were the same, I.E. the 19th Century was the year 1901 to 2000, then by default the 1st Century would have to be the years 101 to 200. If that were the case, then what would the year 1 to 100 be called, the Zero century?
A century is a period of 100 years that starts at a specific year (e.g., 2000-2099). It is ahead of the current year because it encompasses a range of years from a starting point that is typically in the past. For example, the 21st century started in the year 2000 and will end in 2100.
The first century took place between the years 1 and 100 - and therefore the century number is always one further on from the first two digits of the current year, unless that year is divisible by 100.
2100 will be the last year of the 21st Century.
The 2100th century will be the years from 209901 to 210000The year 2100 is in the 21st century, depending on how the centuries are counted.1st century: 1 - 1002nd century: 101 - 2003rd century: 201 - 300...20th century: 1901 - 200021st century: 2001 - 210022nd century: 2101 - 2200The problem is that humans tend to think intuitively (as opposed to objectively), so many will say it is the 22nd century. This method of counting shortchanges the 1st century by 1 year.
Because the first century started with the year 0001. The second century started with the year 0101. The third century started with the year 0201. And so it went until the 20th century started with the year 1901 and the 21st century started with the year 2001.
The time period before the millennium refers to the years leading up to the year 2000. This period is often referred to as the 20th century.
yes it is, think of it as the century is one less then then the actual year
A century is made of 100 years. That is longer than one year, whether it is a normal year or a leap year.
A year is 365 days and a century is 100 years. A millenium is 1000 years
The actual date is unknown but she was born sometime in the middle of the 3rd century. She was martyred sometime between the years 251 and 286.
There are 100 years in a century. So at year 100 it was the 1st century. At year 2001 we officially entered the 21st century.
The years between and including the year 500 and the year 599 were the sixth century.
Because the 20th Century is over and done with.Think of it this way:Pretend that when they started counting years, they called the first year ' 1 '.And at the same time, they made up the word 'Century' to mean '100 years'.So, ' 1 ' was the first year, ' 2 ' was the second year, ' 3 ' was the third year,' 99 ' was the 99th year, ' 100 ' was the 100th year, and the end of the year 100was the end of the first century.Notice that the year 100 was the last year of Century #1, and the 2nd Centurystarted on January 1, 101 .So the year 200 was the last year of Century #2, and the 3rd Century startedon January 1, 201 .And the year 300 was the last year of Century #3, and the 4th Century startedon January 1, 401 .Jump ahead a few centuries now . . .The year 2000 was the last year of Century #20, and the 21st Century startedon January 1, 2001 .
You may be referring to the way the 1900s were called the 20th century for example. First, the 1900s are slightly out of alignment with the 20th century which is why people confuse them. You are not referring to the same years. So the 1900s refers to 1900 to 1999 whereas the 20th century refers to 1901 to 2000. Both are correct in their own right in talking about the 1900s or talking about the 20th century, but they do not refer to the same years. The 19th century and the 1900s are completely different, as the 19th century was 1801 to 1900, so had only one year in common with the 1900s, namely the year 1900. The 20th century is the 20th group of 100 years, so it ended at 2000. If the century and the the digits they start with were the same, I.E. the 19th Century was the years 1900 to 1999, then by default the 1st Century would have to be the years 100 to 199. If that were the case, then what would the year 1 to 99 be called, the Zero Century? Also, it would only be 99 years, as there was no year zero. The first century was year 1 to year 100. It didn't start with year 100 or the mythical year zero. The 2nd century was the second group of 100 years, so from 101 to 200. We are now in the 21st century, which is the 21st group of 100 years, so it runs from 2001 to 2100. People will refer to 2000 to 2099 as the 2000s.
one century is 100 years so century is bigger
Century 1 - this century spans years 1-100.
The year 509AD would be in the 6th century.
The 12th century was the years 1101 to 1200.