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At higher latitudes (toward the poles), the angle of the Sun's rays is not vertical but shallow, meaning that more of the energy is both absorbed and refracted in the atmosphere. Even in the summer, the angle in polar regions is as much as 50 to 66° from vertical. So although the spinning Earth provides all areas of the planet with the same amount of daylight each year, the energy provided by this light can be significantly less.

Factor in the higher albedo of ice, snow, and clouds, and the polar regions will always be colder compared to the tropical regions.

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Q: Why is the Sun's energy not distributed evenly in terms of latitude?
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What 2 coordinates is the global positioning system based on?

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is based on trilateration, which requires a minimum of three satellite signals to determine a user's position in terms of latitude, longitude, and altitude. GPS uses time signals from at least four satellites to calculate accurate coordinates for a specific location.

Is the sun stronger than water?

In terms of physical strength, water does not have strength like the sun. However, the sun's energy is more powerful and influential in terms of its impact on Earth and its ability to sustain life.

In the Northern Hemisphere on the June solstice the number of daylight hours?

Is at its maximum, with approximately 12 to 24 hours of daylight depending on the latitude. This is the longest day of the year in terms of daylight hours.

Where does the US rank in the usage of solar energy?

The US ranks third in the world in terms of solar energy usage, behind China and the European Union. Solar energy capacity in the US has been rapidly increasing in recent years due to falling costs and supportive policies at the state and federal levels.

Why is solar energy not yet more widely used?

Solar energy adoption is limited by high initial investment costs for installation and infrastructure, intermittent energy production dependent on weather conditions, and the need for storage solutions to ensure constant supply. Additionally, policy barriers, such as lack of government incentives or support, and technological limitations in terms of efficiency and scalability are key factors hindering wider adoption of solar energy.

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