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For all practical purposes, it is inexhaustible, but in absolute fact, it is not. The fact that the sun has been the Energizer Bunny for about 4.5 billion years, and will be for about 4 billion more is mostly because of it's size - it's impossible to grasp just how much hydrogen comprises the sun, and it isn't even considered a very big star, as stars go. But one day, it will use up the last of it's hydrogen, and collapse inward on itself becoming a white dwarf.

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The sun is considered inexhaustible because it produces a vast amount of energy through nuclear fusion reactions in its core. It has enough hydrogen fuel to sustain this process for billions of years, making it a virtually limitless source of energy for us on Earth.

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Fossil fuel energy is from the sun originally that is true. But they are certainly not inexhaustible.

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Examples of inexhaustible resources include solar energy, wind energy, and tidal energy. These resources are constantly replenished by natural processes and will not run out even with extensive use.

What is the definition of inexhaustible resource?

a source that can never run out. For example the Sun.

why sun is an inexhaustible source of energy?

It is going to burn out someday a long time from now.

Why the sun is an inexhaustible source of energy?

It is going to burn out someday a long time from now.

What is the relationship between a renewable resource and a inexhaustible resource?

The relationship Is that a renewable resource can generate up to the sun but The Inexhaustible resource goes up but then flows down to the renews of the the resources

What are some examples of inexhaustible energy sources?

Technically, there are no inexhaustible energy sources. For example, the sun will eventually (in several billion years) use up its fusion fuel and stop producing energy. For practical, everyday purposes, however, it can be considered inexhaustible. Of course, it doesn't matter how much solar energy we use, we will not accelerate the burning out of the sun.

Why the sun is inexhaustible source of energy?

The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy because it undergoes nuclear fusion reactions in its core, converting hydrogen into helium and releasing massive amounts of energy in the process. Given the sun's vast size and abundant fuel supply, it will continue to generate energy through nuclear fusion for billions of years to come.