Morning fog often burns off by mid-morning or noon as the sun rises and warms the air, causing the fog to evaporate. However, this can depend on the weather conditions and local geography.
A.M is from midnight through to midday, and is referred to as morning.
It's because your brain compares the size of the sun to landmarks on the horizon. If you take a nickel and compare it at sunrise and noon, it should show that the sun is the same size.
Long, getting shorter towards noon.
Morning Noon Night was created in 2002.
We feel HOT in after noon and pretty cool in morning because is noon rays of the sun are fall directly on earth surface whereas sun rays fall slantingly in Early morning
Morning Noon and Night - 1933 was released on: USA: 6 October 1933
Neither. 1200 am is noon, and marks the division between morning and afternoon. 12:01 is afternoon. 11:59 is before noon, or morning.
Afternoon is after noon soi after 12 noon Morning is after midnight so it is after 12 midnight( I think)
It could be due to the dew on the grass.
Befor noon means inthe morning
10:30 to noon
Morning Noon and Night Club - 1937 was released on: USA: 18 June 1937