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It is not incorrect to refer to the other Solar bodies with the definate article "the," it is simply irregular. As we more commonly refer to the Sun, Earth, and Moon more often, and sun, earth, and moon are all common nouns as well, it is more specific to use the definate article "the" when refering to The Earth, The Sun, and The Moon when really referring to the more uncommonly used names Terra, Sol, and Luna (which incidentally are respectively earth, sun, and moon--the common nouns--in other languages).

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Q: Why is it right to say the Sun the Earth The Moon but not the Jupiter the Mars the Mercury or The Ganymede?
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How big are Jupiter's moons in comparison to Earth?

Jupiter's moons vary in size, with the largest ones being similar in size to Earth's moon. Ganymede, the largest moon of Jupiter, is even bigger than the planet Mercury. Other moons like Callisto and Io are also larger than Earth's moon. Overall, Jupiter's moons are generally larger than Earth's moon.

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The third planet from the sun is Earth, which is the only known planet to support life.

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Ganymede is the largest moon of Jupiter, and the largest moon in our solar system. It is 1500 times as massive as the dwarf planet/asteroid Ceres and larger in diameter than the planet Mercury. Had it not been co-formed with or captured by Jupiter, it would have been a planet in its own right. Had it formed closer to the Sun, it might have retained both its oceans (frozen over) and an atmosphere, but more likely would have lost them and ended up with a dry surface like Mars.

What are the names of 63 moons in the planet Jupiter?

Yes because that is how many have been recorded so far...but there most likely are more moons orbiting never know..but like i said there have been 63 satellites orbiting Jupiter.

Does Jupiter have the second largest moon in the solar system titan?

Jupiter does not have the second largest moon in the solar system: Titan. Titan is the second largest moon, all right, but it orbits planet Saturn. The largest moon is Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter.

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Mars is 36,000,000 miles from Earth and no Mars is the fourth planet from the sun(Mars is right beside us) Sun.......... Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

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Where is planet Jupiter relation to the sun and planet earth?

Jupiter is the 5th planet out from the Sun. The planet Mars (in 4th place) is right in between our planet Earth and Jupiter. Is 1000 times bigger than earth!

What planet is before Jupiter?

There is no actual planet before mercury but the sun is right next door. There is though a planet after Mercury; Venus.If this helps to remember the order of the planets, remember this acronym:My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us NachosM- MercuryV- VenusE- EarthM- MarsJ- JupiterS- SaturnU- UranusN- Neptune