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In outer space there is no air medium for travelling of sound it is impossible for sound to travel through outer space ..!!

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Sound requires a medium, such as air, water, or solid surfaces, to travel through. In outer space, there is no medium for sound waves to travel through, so sound cannot propagate in the vacuum of space.

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Q: Why is it impossible for sound to travel through outer space?
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What to waves travel through?

Sound waves travel through matter. The only thing it doesn't travel through is vacuums or outer space.

How far will sound travel through space in 1 second?

If you're referring to outer space, then sound does not travel at all.

What can't sound travel through and why?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum because it requires a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to propagate. In a vacuum, there are no molecules for sound waves to travel through, so the vibrations cannot be transmitted.

Where does sound not travel?

outer space because you need some kind of physical material for sound to travel through and there's none of that in space

Why do sounds NOT travel through outer space?

Sound is a vibration when something makes a noise every thing around vibrates in order to make the sound for it to travel it needs particles to vibrate there is almost no matter in outer space hence no particles

Would sound waves traveling through the outer ear travel faster or slower than those traveling through the inner ear?

Sound waves would travel faster through the outer ear than through the inner ear. This is because the outer ear consists of less dense air, which allows sound waves to travel more quickly. In contrast, the inner ear is filled with fluid, which is denser and slows down the speed at which sound waves travel.

What can light travel through that sound cant travel through?

Light can travel through a vacuum, such as outer space, where sound cannot travel as it requires a medium like air, water, or a solid to propagate. Light can also travel through transparent materials like glass or air, while sound is mostly blocked or absorbed by these materials.

Why cant sound travel through outer?

Sound, unlike light, needs a medium through which to travel. Sound relies on vibrating molecules or particles. Sound can travel through air at about 3 km/s as it vibrates particles and then the neighbouring particles etc. but it can travel much faster through steel because the particles are much more tightly packed.In outer space there are not enough particles to vibrate, no neighbouring particles for the very few particles that are there. No particles means that there is no sound.

Could you shout in outer space?

No, sound requires a medium to travel through, such as air. In the vacuum of outer space, there is no medium for sound waves to propagate, so shouting would not be heard.

Why can't we communicate in outer space?

We can if we use radio. Without it, sound waves can't travel through space because there is no air for it to travel through.

What three kinds of body parts do sound waves travel through before they reach the brain?

Sound waves travel through the outer ear, then the middle ear, before reaching the inner ear where they are converted into electrical signals that travel to the brain through the auditory nerve.

Why is it totally silent in outer space?

In outer space, there is no medium for sound waves to travel through like air or water. Since sound requires a medium to propagate, it cannot travel through the vacuum of space. This makes space totally silent.