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Q: Why is it easier to lift heavy objects on the moon than on earth?
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Would it be easier to lift a truck on the moon or on the earth?

It would be easier to lift a truck on the moon because the moon has weaker gravity compared to Earth, approximately 1/6th of Earth's gravity. This means you would need to exert less force to lift the same truck on the moon than on Earth.

How would weightlifting be different on the moon then earth?

Weightlifting on the moon would be significantly easier than on Earth due to the moon's lower gravity. Objects weigh approximately one sixth of their weight on the moon compared to Earth, allowing individuals to lift heavier objects and exert less effort. Additionally, the lack of atmosphere on the moon means there is no air resistance, making movements more fluid and efficient.

Why is it easier to lift and carry heavy object on the moon than on earth?

Lifting and carrying heavy objects on the moon is easier than on Earth because the moon has weaker gravity, only about 1/6th of Earth's gravity. This means that objects weigh less on the moon, making them easier to pick up and transport.

We know that the gravitational force of the earth pulls objects down we see them fallin down but don't see objects moving up Why?

Objects fall down due to the force of gravity pulling them towards the Earth's center. Objects don't appear to move up on their own because they need a force stronger than gravity, such as a person or a machine, to counteract gravity and lift them up. Without such a force, objects will naturally fall towards the Earth.

If a person could lift 65 pounds here on earth how much could he lift on the moon?

A person could lift approximately 38 pounds on the moon due to its lower gravity compared to Earth.

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Is a pulley a machine used to lift heavy objects?

Yes, a pulley is a simple machine that is commonly used to lift heavy objects by reducing the amount of force required to lift them. It works by changing the direction of the force applied and distributing it evenly among multiple ropes or cables, making it easier to lift heavy loads.

Why is it easier to lift heavy objects using a pulley system?

A pulley system allows for the weight of the object to be distributed across multiple ropes and pulleys, reducing the amount of force needed to lift the object. This makes it easier to lift heavy objects as the force required is decreased due to the mechanical advantage provided by the pulley system.

Do pulleys only lift heavy things?

No, pulleys can be used to lift heavy or light objects. The mechanical advantage of pulleys allows for an easier lifting process regardless of the weight being lifted.

Would it be easier to lift a truck on the moon or on the earth?

It would be easier to lift a truck on the moon because the moon has weaker gravity compared to Earth, approximately 1/6th of Earth's gravity. This means you would need to exert less force to lift the same truck on the moon than on Earth.

What allows people to lift heavy objects with little force?

Using tools such as levers, pulleys, or hydraulic systems can help people lift heavy objects with less force by multiplying the input force exerted. These mechanisms allow for a distribution of the load over a larger area, making it easier for individuals to lift heavy objects.

How do cranes make lifting heavy objects easier?

Cranes make lifting heavy objects easier by using a system of pulleys and counterweights to distribute the load. The mechanical advantage created by the pulley system allows the crane to lift heavy objects with less effort. Additionally, cranes are designed to provide stability and leverage to handle large loads safely.

What can you make with a pulley?

A pulley can be used to lift heavy objects, lower objects, or to change the direction of a force. It is commonly used in various applications such as construction, manufacturing, and transportation to make tasks easier and more efficient.

Why cranes are used to lift heavy objects?

because we can't lift it with our hand

What made farmers lives easier during the H an dynasty?

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Is it easier for a tornado to lift heavier objects or lighter objects?

Tornadoes are more likely to lift lighter objects as they generate an upward force with their strong winds. Heavier objects may be more difficult for tornadoes to lift unless they are caught in the vortex of the tornado's winds.

How does pulley make our world faster and easier?

Pulleys can make tasks easier and faster by allowing us to lift heavy objects with less effort. By distributing the weight of the load across multiple ropes and pulleys, we can apply less force to lift the object. This makes it easier to move heavy items and saves time and energy.

How does a pulley make life easier?

pulleys allow work to be easier because they lift the stuff up for you but they don't do work for you, it just makes it easier