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The 180th meridian or antimeridian is used as the basis for the International Date Line because it for the most part passes through the open waters of the Pacific Ocean separating the east and west hemispheres.

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Q: Why is international date line opposite the prime meridian?
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Is the international date line a parellel or meridean?

It's a meridian, directly opposite the Prime Meridian.

What line of longitude is found opposite of prime meridian?

The International Date Line.

What is the opposite of the international date line?

The opposite of the International Date Line is the Prime Meridian, which is located at 0 degrees longitude and passes through Greenwich, England. While the International Date Line determines where one day ends and another begins, the Prime Meridian serves as the starting point for measuring longitude and time zones.

Which longitude line will you find at 0 degrees?

The Prime Meridian. Opposite Prime Meridian (180-degrees Longitude) is The International Date Lin.

What determines western and eastern hemispheres?

The Prime Meridian and its opposite the 180th meridian (at 180° longitude), which the International Date Line.

What imaginary line opposite the Prime Meridian does not currently run through any nation?

The International Date Line is the imaginary line opposite the Prime Meridian that does not currently run through any nation. It is located opposite the Prime Meridian at 180 degrees longitude and serves as the transition line for changing calendar days.

Which of these combined with the prime meridian makes a complete circle around the earth?

The International Date Line combined with the Prime Meridian makes a complete circle around the Earth. The Prime Meridian is at 0 degrees longitude, and the International Date Line is opposite it at 180 degrees longitude.

What is the name of the meridian exactly halfway around the world from the prime meridian?

The meridian exactly halfway around the world from the prime meridian is called the 180th meridian or the antimeridian. This line represents the opposite side of the Earth from the prime meridian and is where the International Date Line is located.

What is the Midnight Meridian?

The Midnight Meridian refers to the line of longitude directly opposite the Prime Meridian, marking the halfway point between the International Date Line and the Prime Meridian. It is where each calendar day begins.

What is the name of the line that is directly opposite from the Prime Meridian?

If you travel to any place that is half-a-globe around the earth from the Prime Meridian, you'll be located at longitude 180 degrees. If you're expecting to find a line there, you'll be disappointed. There is no line there.

The day officially changes on Earth at the Prime meridian?

The Prime Meridian is an imaginary line that divides the Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres, but the day officially changes at the International Date Line, which is located approximately opposite the Prime Meridian. The International Date Line is where the calendar day officially changes.

How many degree is the angle from prime meridian to international date line?

It varies, because the International Dateline doesn't follow a single meridian.There are several zigs and zags in it. But in the spirit of your question, theDateline is nominally directly opposite the Prime Meridian, at 180° longitude.