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These elements are found in

are very important in each of the five stars.

all five stars because the elements

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Q: Why is hydrogen and helium found in all stars?
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Do small stars have hydrogen and helium?

All stars contain hydrogen and helium.

What are some of the elements found in stars?

All of them - but mostly hydrogen & helium.

What are all of the elements found in the core of a star?

For stars on the main sequence, Hydrogen and helium.

Why do all stars have hydrogen and helium?

Hydrogen and helium were the first elements formed after the Big Bang, and they continue to be the most common elements in the universe due to their abundance. Stars form from clouds of gas and dust in space, and since hydrogen and helium are the most abundant elements available, they make up the majority of a star's composition.

What are all the stars in the universe comprised of?

Hydrogen And Helium

Do all stars turn hydrogen in to helium?

No, not all stars turn hydrogen into helium. Stars like our Sun do convert hydrogen into helium through nuclear fusion in their cores. However, more massive stars can undergo further fusion reactions involving helium, producing heavier elements like carbon, oxygen, and even iron.

Is it true stars like the sun burn hydrogen producing helium?

All stars fuse hydrogen into helium - the slight difference in atomic weight between 4 hydrogen atoms and one helium atom, is given off as radiation.

Are there other elements found in stars than hydrogen and helium?

Yes. All naturally occurring elements in the universe can be found in most stars, though generally only in small concentrations. Massive stars that have depleted the hydrogen in their cores may start producing elements as heavy as iron.

What element are stars mostly composed of?

hydrogen,All stars are composed primarily of hydrogen. Stars can also contain some other elements such as helium, but hydrogen accounts for the majority of a star's composition.

What are the 2 main elements in stars?

The two main elements in stars are hydrogen and helium. These elements are produced through nuclear fusion in the core of stars, where hydrogen is converted into helium through a series of fusion reactions.

How do all-stars get their energy?

Nuclear fusion - converting hydrogen-1 to helium-4.

Name the gases that make up most stars?

Hydrogen and helium. It's better to ask which two ELEMENTS make up the bulk of the stars, since ALL elements in a star are in the gaseous state.