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There are many factors contributing to the global rise in obesity rates, including changes in diet, decreased physical activity, and increased availability of processed and high-calorie foods. Social and economic factors, such as access to healthcare and education, also play a role in shaping individuals' health outcomes. It's important to address these complex issues through public health initiatives and individual behavior changes to combat obesity on a societal level.

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Q: Why is everyone in the world so fat like a balloon?
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A big fat water balloon

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Yes, I can certainly like fat girls, but everyone is different.

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It becomes fat and knocks down the blocks and pigs.

Why is your balloon fat?

No, I eat moderately and exercise.

Why people does not like fat people?

Justin Bieber like anyone fat, skinny, tall, short he does not care what you are and likes everyone nice to him.

Why does Justin Bieber not like fat people?

Justin Bieber like anyone fat, skinny, tall, short he does not care what you are and likes everyone nice to him.

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He didn't, he died like everyone else.

What is ment by fat?

somebody who is bigger than everyone else in the world put to gether AKA m.S somebody who is bigger than everyone else in the world put to gether AKA m.S

Is there such a fish called balloon fish?

There are actually type of fish named balloon such as Balloon Molly. It is made through selective breeding of mollies that retain the balloon gene which results in a basically fat looking molly.

Do fat people have fat?

yes everyone has fat even skinny people.

Do boys like fat girls?

If the boy is not a jerk and a blockhead he won't look at your weight he will judge you on your personality.Usually the best guys are the fat guys because they aren't stuck up and rude. Most boys don't like fat girls because there not there type or to embaresed to be seen with a fat girl

Is 5'5 and 133 fat for a girl?

no. everyone is diffrent. you are not fat.