The Judy Clock was named after its inventor, Judy Zimbelman. Judy Zimbelman, a former elementary school teacher, designed the clock to help children learn how to tell time more effectively.
The Judy Clock was invented by Judy Parrish, an American teacher who wanted to create a hands-on tool to help children learn to tell time. Judy Clocks have become a popular educational resource in elementary schools for teaching time-telling skills.
The glass on the face of a clock is called the clock face or clock dial cover. It protects the clock hands and dial from dust and damage.
A ship-shaped clock is commonly known as a "maritime clock" or a "ship's wheel clock" due to its design resembling elements found on a ship.
A clock's face is called a dial. This is where the numbers and hands are located to indicate the time.
The Judy Clock was named after its inventor, Judy Zimbelman. Judy Zimbelman, a former elementary school teacher, designed the clock to help children learn how to tell time more effectively.
The Judy Clock was invented by Judy Parrish, an American teacher who wanted to create a hands-on tool to help children learn to tell time. Judy Clocks have become a popular educational resource in elementary schools for teaching time-telling skills.
Judy Duncan has written: 'The clock watchers's cookbook' -- subject(s): Cookery
The Clock: Judy Garland, Robert Walker
The cast of Judy in a Land Called Oz - 1992 includes: Judy Garland
judy lives in Virginia with his brother James also known as stink there is also a series about stink they are making a movie about judy moody called judy moodys NOT bummer summer. posted by metguy7
a clock
The glass on the face of a clock is called the clock face or clock dial cover. It protects the clock hands and dial from dust and damage.
The first mechanical clock was called the verge escapement clock, invented in the 14th century. It was a popular clock design in Europe during the Middle Ages.
Judy Moody lives in a suburban neighborhood called Virginia Dare Terrace in the Judy Moody book series.
An analog clock.
A Date With Judy. It was also a movie and a radio show.