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A white dwarf is what remains of a star's interior, which is much hotter than the surface because it is closer to the source of fusion.

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Q: Why is a White Dwarf hotter than the sun?
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How dense is the white dwarf to your sun?

A white dwarf is much denser than the Sun. White dwarfs have a typical density around 1 million times greater than the density of the Sun, resulting in a mass similar to the Sun's but packed into a much smaller volume.

Is the sun larger than a white dwarf?

YES. A typical white dwarf star is only a bit bigger than the Earth.

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Compared to the star it evolved from a white dwarf is?

A white dwarf is smaller, cooler, and denser than the star it evolved from. It is the remnant core of a star like our Sun after it has exhausted its nuclear fuel and collapsed under gravity.

How can a star that has more mass than the sun be smaller than your sun?

The obvious reason is that the specific star has bigger density compared with the Sun. For example, that star could be a "white dwarf star". A white dwarf mostly contains "electron degenerate matter", which is very dense. A white dwarf is a small dense star.

Why would a supergiant have a brighter absolute magintude than a white dwarf?

A supergiant is much larger than a white dwarf. A supergiant can be 10 to 70 times the size of our Sun, whereas a white dwarf is only about the size of the Earth.

Which is hotter the sun or Pluto?

the sun, Pluto is a very cold dwarf planet, which is very small and was just recently proven a dwarf planet.

If the sun turns into the white dwarf will it be the end of the earth?

The end of the Earth will probably come way before that. The Sun will get hotter and hotter for a while, and in about half a billion, or perhaps a billion years, it will get so hot that no life will be able to survive on Earth.

How is it possinle for whit dwarfs to have a lower luminosity than the sun even though the sun is much cooler than the white dwarf?

Luminosity will also depend on the surface area. The Sun has about 10,000 times the surface area of a typical white dwarf.

Is it true or fault that A white dwarf star is about the same size as the sun?

False. A white dwarf star is much smaller in size compared to the sun. A white dwarf is typically about the size of the Earth, whereas the sun is much larger, around 100 times wider and more massive than a white dwarf star.

The sun will eventually end up as a?

white dwarf star