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October WAS the eight 45 BC, Julius Ceasar added two months to "correct" the Julian calender, but kept the names of the months that already existed.

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Q: Why is October called October if it is not the 8th month?
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Related questions

How did September and October get their names?

Because October was the 8th month of the roman calender and September was the 7th.But,they changed it!

Why is the month called October called October?

Cause its the seventh month

Is October the 8th month on a Roman calendar?

Yes it is.

Was October once the 8th month of the year?


What month used to be the eighth month of the year?

October was originally the 8th month in the Roman calendar. The name "October" comes from the Latin word "octo," meaning eight.

Who is October named after?

"October" is derived from the Latin word "octo," meaning eight, as it was originally the eighth month in the Roman calendar before January and February were added.

What does October mean?

The month of October gets its name from the Latin octo, meaning eight. Before the Julian reforms to the calendar, the year began in March (spring) and October was the 8th month.

How did october get called october?

October got its name from the Latin word "octo," which means eight. The Roman calendar, on which our current calendar is based, originally had only ten months, with October being the eighth month. Over time, two new months were added, but the names were not changed, so October remained as the name for the tenth month.

What is the history of the month of October?

October once was the 8th month of the Roman year which had only 10 months until Julius Caesar changed it to a 12 month year which became known as the Julian calendar.

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15th day of the 8th lunar month, usually in October in Gregorian calendar.

In the old roman calendar what month was decemeber?

The names of the months tell a story: September means 7th month, October means 8th month, November means 9th month, and December means 10th month.