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Because it is the closest star to earth, meaning less energy is lost to the cosmos on its journey towards earth.

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2mo ago

Earth receives more energy from the sun than from any other star because the sun is much closer to Earth compared to other stars. The sun's proximity allows its energy to have a greater impact on our planet's temperature and weather patterns. Additionally, the sun is a relatively stable and long-lasting source of energy, making it a key driver of life on Earth.

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Q: Why earth receives more energy from the sun than from any other star?
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Why does earth receive more energy?

Earth receives more energy from the moon, sun, stars, and other planets

Will the earth begin to cool if the Earth received more energy than it transmitted over a long period of time?

no, Earth gets more energy than it gives off

Which emits more energy the sun or th earth?

The Sun emits significantly more energy than the Earth. The Sun is a star that releases vast amounts of energy through nuclear fusion reactions in its core, while the Earth mainly receives energy from the Sun in the form of sunlight.

Why does the equator receives more of the suns energy?

The light at the equator hits the earth perpendicular to the surface to the earth. The further you are from the equator, the light comes in at an angle closer and closer to parallel. The closer to parallel the light comes in at, the more of it is reflected, so it receives less energy than the perpendicular light at the equator.

Why does Earth only get heat and light energy from the sun and not any other stars when some stars are 100 times bigger than it?

Earth technically receives some energy from other stars, but only a miniscule amount. This is because those stars are millions of times more distant than the sun.

What factor most influences amount of solar energy an area on earth receives?

The latitude of an area on Earth most influences the amount of solar energy it receives. Areas closer to the equator receive more direct sunlight and therefore more solar energy, while areas farther from the equator receive less direct sunlight and less solar energy. Other factors such as cloud cover, air pollution, and elevation can also affect the amount of solar energy received.

What part of earth receives the greatest total amount of solar radiation when earth is in the position?

The equator receives the greatest total amount of solar radiation when Earth is in a particular position due to its angle of incidence being perpendicular to the sun's rays. This area receives more direct sunlight, resulting in higher temperatures and more solar energy being absorbed.

Where does the amount of solar energy Earth receives in a year vary the greatest?

The amount of solar energy Earth receives in a year varies the greatest near the poles. This is because of the tilt of Earth's axis, which causes the angle of sunlight to change throughout the year, leading to more extreme differences in solar energy received in polar regions compared to equatorial regions.

Which area of earth receives the most direct concentration of the sun's radiation?

The area of Earth that receives the most direct concentration of the sun's radiation is typically the Equator. This region receives more intense sunlight due to the angle at which the sun's rays hit Earth, resulting in higher temperatures and greater solar energy input.

What factors influence the amount of energy that different places on earth receives from the sun?

The main factor that influences the amount of energy that different places on Earth receive from the sun is the places location. The closer it is to the equator the more sun energy it will receive.

Does the earth's tilt cause more daylight in the summer?

The tilt of the earth's axis with respect to the plane of its orbit causes more daylight over one of the earth's hemispheres for half of the year, and over the other hemisphere during the other half of the year. Whichever hemisphere has more hours of sunshine receives more solar energy, experiences gradually increasing temperatures, and eventually calls the season "Summer".

What factor most influences the amount of solar enegry an area on earth receives?

The latitude of the area is the most influential factor in determining the amount of solar energy it receives. Areas closer to the equator receive more direct sunlight and therefore more solar energy compared to areas further from the equator. Other factors such as season, time of day, and cloud cover can also impact the amount of solar energy received.