

Best Answer

Those stars are very far from us ! & as Edwin Hubble saw from his telescope that the Universe is Expanding ! Thats why according to law of thermodynamics temprature of universe decreases and wavelength of radiations increases & goes beyond of our visual spectrum (microwave radiations) ! Thats why sky appears black even if there are stars ! Tempreature of these radiations is below zero degree celcius ! But the stars which we can see in the night sky ! It is the common sense that as we go away & away from hot body we feel lesser & lesser heat ! Hope this answer will satisfy your curiosity !

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This question's supposition is incorrect. The Earth DOES get heat and light from the other stars in the night sky. (If we did not get light from them, how would we see them?) The heat and light something gives off is indirectly proportional to the distance between us and the heat/light source. (Confirm this in person experience, where a light bulb is hot to touch, but as you draw your hand away the heat dissipates.)

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3mo ago

We do receive heat and light from other stars in the sky, but they are so far away that their energy is significantly diluted by the time it reaches us. The Sun, being our closest star, provides the vast majority of the heat and light we experience on Earth.

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