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because the clouds are filling up with water so they become more denser so the light from the sun can't get through or less get through.

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Q: Why does the sky turn gray when it is raining?
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In Mythology when it is raining is the sky crying or is god crying?

According to Mythology, when it is raining it is the clouds that are crying.

When do cats fall from the sky?

There is an expression - "raining cats and dogs". This does not mean that cats and/or dogs are literally falling from the sky, it simply means that it is raining very hard.

Are clouds black or white?

White. But gray sometime when raining

If the seas gray the sky is gray?

yes. the reflectioin of the sky will appear in the ocean

What is a metaphor for gray sky?

A gray sky is like a blank canvas, devoid of color and emotion, waiting to be filled with the palette of the day.

What colour is the sky when it raining?

The color of the sky when it's raining can vary, but it is often gray or dark gray due to the thick cloud cover that accompanies rainstorms. The rain clouds block sunlight, making the sky appear darker than when it is clear and sunny.

What color does the sky turn to when a tornado?

The sky can turn green or brownish-gray during a tornado because of the way light interacts with the storm's clouds and precipitation. This color change may be due to the scattering of sunlight by the water droplets or debris within the storm, giving the sky a unique hue. It's a warning sign that severe weather is approaching.

What is raining down from the sky when Odysseus and his men reach the end of their travels?

When Odysseus and his men reach the land of the Laestrygonians, huge boulders are raining down from the sky, thrown by the giants living there. This event marks a disastrous turn in their journey as many of Odysseus's ships and men are destroyed.

The sky is gray. action or linking verb?

The verb "is" in this sentence is a linking verb. It connects the subject "sky" with the adjective "gray" to describe the sky.