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The glowing effect seen during re-entry is caused by the extreme heat generated by the friction between the shuttle and the Earth's atmosphere. This heat is a result of the shuttle's high speed and the compression of air in front of it. As the shuttle travels through the atmosphere, the intense heat causes its surface to glow and appear to be "burning up."

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Q: Why does the shuttle look like it is burning up as it moves through the atmosphere?
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How does a space shuttle cause friction?

A space shuttle experiences friction during re-entry into Earth's atmosphere due to the air molecules that it encounters. As it moves through the atmosphere at high speeds, the air molecules push against the shuttle, creating friction that generates heat. This heat is then absorbed by the shuttle's heat shield to protect it from burning up.

What is the motion of space shuttle?

The space shuttle moves by using its engines to lift off from Earth, then travels through space by following a predetermined flight path. In orbit, the shuttle moves at a speed of around 17,500 miles per hour in order to maintain its trajectory around the Earth. During reentry, the shuttle uses its heat shield to protect itself from the intense heat generated by atmospheric friction.

How does water move from the atmosphere to the hydro sphere?

Water moves from the atmosphere to the hydrosphere through precipitation, such as rain or snow. When water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into liquid or solid form, it falls to the Earth's surface as precipitation, replenishing water sources like rivers, lakes, and oceans. This process is a key component of the water cycle, which moves water between the atmosphere, land, and oceans.

How fast does a space shuttle move?

A space shuttle moves through space at speeds of up to 17,500 miles per hour (28,163 kilometers per hour) in low Earth orbit. This high velocity is necessary to stay in orbit and counteract the pull of Earth's gravity.

What does a space shuttle sound like in space?

In space, a space shuttle is virtually silent because sound waves need a medium, such as air, to travel through. Since space is a vacuum, there is no medium for the sound waves to travel through, so astronauts inside the shuttle do not hear any noise generated by the shuttle's engines or movements.

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How does a space shuttle cause friction?

A space shuttle experiences friction during re-entry into Earth's atmosphere due to the air molecules that it encounters. As it moves through the atmosphere at high speeds, the air molecules push against the shuttle, creating friction that generates heat. This heat is then absorbed by the shuttle's heat shield to protect it from burning up.

What Carbon moves through the carbon cycle in all of the processes except what?

Carbon moves through the carbon cycle in all processes, except for the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuel burning releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, which disrupts the natural carbon cycle by increasing the concentration of CO2, a greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere.

What are two ways water moves through the atmosphere?

Water moves through the atmosphere in the form of vapor through evaporation from oceans, lakes, rivers, and plants. It also moves through the atmosphere as clouds and precipitation through processes like condensation and precipitation.

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How water moves through out our atmosphere and is cleaned

What is the main way that energy moves through the atmosphere hydrosphere and geosphere?

by force

What is a meteoric fireball?

A meteoric fireball is a very bright meteor that appears in the sky as a sudden, quick burst of light. These events are caused by a meteoroid entering Earth's atmosphere and burning up due to friction with the air. Fireballs are usually brighter than the planet Venus in the night sky.

How nutrients moves out of atmosphere?

Nutrients can move out of the atmosphere through processes such as deposition, where they settle onto the Earth's surface through precipitation or air currents. Nutrients can also be taken up by plants during photosynthesis or absorbed by surface waters. Additionally, human activities like burning fossil fuels can release nutrients into the atmosphere, which can later be deposited back to the Earth's surface.

Where does carbon dioxide moves to?

Into the atmosphere. Then it is basically recycled again through the CO2 cycle.

Where does carbon dioxide moves?

Into the atmosphere. Then it is basically recycled again through the CO2 cycle.

How does water change as it moves in the water cycle through the ocean the atmosphere and land?

By xjgjykadws1jkdwhjs

What happens to red light when it travels through earth's atmosphere?

As light moves through the atmosphere, it continues to go straight until it bumps into a bit of dust or gas molecules