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It acts over long distances; and (unlike electrical and magnetic forces) it is always attractive, so its effect is cumulative.

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4d ago

Gravitational force predominates over electric force for astronomical bodies because gravity is a long-range force that acts on all masses, while electric force is a short-range force that is much stronger at small distances but rapidly decreases with distance. In astronomical scales, the masses involved are much larger and the distances much greater, making gravity the dominant force. Additionally, astronomical bodies are typically electrically neutral overall, so electric forces between them are relatively weak compared to gravitational forces.

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Why does the gravitational force between the Earth and moon predominate over electrical forces?

The gravitational force between the Earth and moon is stronger than the electrical forces because gravitational force depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them, while electrical forces are influenced by the charges of the objects. The Earth and moon have significant mass and are relatively close compared to their charges, resulting in a stronger gravitational force.

What kind of force is exerted on heavenly bodies?

gravitational force is exerted on heavenly bodies

What is syzygy?

Syzygy is a term used in astronomy to describe the alignment of three celestial bodies, typically the Sun, Earth, and Moon. It can also refer to the alignment of planets in the solar system. Syzygy can impact tidal forces and gravitational interactions between these bodies.

What is the second largest source of gravity?

The second largest source of gravity is typically large astronomical bodies such as planets, stars, and galaxies. These massive objects exert gravitational force on surrounding objects based on their mass and proximity.

How are celestial bodies with mass are gravitational bound?

Celestial bodies with mass are gravitationally bound because the gravitational force between them is strong enough to keep them in orbit around each other. This force is determined by the mass of the bodies and the distance between them, as described by Newton's law of universal gravitation. As long as the gravitational force is greater than the escape velocity, the bodies will remain bound to each other.

Related questions

Why does the gravitational force between the Earth and moon predominate over electrical forces?

The gravitational force between the Earth and moon is stronger than the electrical forces because gravitational force depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them, while electrical forces are influenced by the charges of the objects. The Earth and moon have significant mass and are relatively close compared to their charges, resulting in a stronger gravitational force.

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what astronomical bodies would most likely be the largest?

What does the magnitude of the gravitational force between two bodies depend on?

The magnitude of the gravitational force between two bodies depends on the mass of the bodies and the distance between them. The larger the mass of the bodies, the greater the gravitational force, and the closer the bodies are, the stronger the gravitational force.

Do 2 co-orbiting bodies have equal speed?

Only if they have equal masses (in the case of gravitational orbits), or equal electric charges (in the case of electrostatic orbits).

Is there UP in space?

No; the directions up and down are defined by the gravitational attraction of nearby bodies only.No; the directions up and down are defined by the gravitational attraction of nearby bodies only.No; the directions up and down are defined by the gravitational attraction of nearby bodies only.No; the directions up and down are defined by the gravitational attraction of nearby bodies only.

What does the moon And the Stars have in common?

They are astronomical bodies.

What holds bodies in their positions in the solar system?

A combination of the bodies' inertia, and the Sun's gravitational attraction.

What blocks out the visibility of stars?

Cosmic dust and other astronomical bodies.

What kind of force is exerted on heavenly bodies?

gravitational force is exerted on heavenly bodies

What two objects in space is an astronomical unit defined form?

An astronomical unit is the average distance that separates two bodies in space. The two objects linked to an astronomical unit is the sun and the earth.

What is a astronomical model?

An astronomical model is a representation of phenomena in space. These models can be physical or mathematical and are used to simulate and understand astronomical processes such as motion of celestial bodies, formation of galaxies, or evolution of the universe.

What two celestial bodies are one astronomical unit apart?

Earth and sun.