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Reynold Kuphal

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Q: Why does Peter visit the Johansen's?
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Why does peter visit the johansens number the stars?


Why does peter visit the Johansens in number the stars?


In Number the Stars by Lois Lowry why does peter not visit the johansens?

Peter does not visit the Johansens because he is involved in the resistance movement and needs to maintain a low profile to avoid drawing attention to himself and jeopardizing the safety of the Johansens and the Rosens. It is too risky for him to be seen visiting them frequently.

In number of the stars chapter 2 why does peter visit the Johansens?

To give the news of the German news paper

Why does Peter Nielsen bring the illegal newspaper to the Johansens?

Peter brings the illegal newspaper to the Johansens because he trusts them and knows that they are involved in the resistance against the Nazis. He believes they will know how to handle the information in the newspaper and use it to further the cause against the occupation.

Why is Ellen staying with the johansens?

Ellen is staying with the Johansens because her family was taken away by the Nazis, and the Johansens are helping to hide her and keep her safe during the occupation in Denmark. They are risking their lives to protect Ellen, who is like a daughter to them.

Why did the soldiers think the johansens might know where Ellen's family had gone number the stars?

The soldiers suspected the Johansens might know where Ellen's family had gone because Ellen had lived with the Johansens for a while and they were close friends, so the soldiers believed they might have information about her family's whereabouts. The Johansens were also involved in the resistance movement, which made the soldiers suspicious and led them to question the Johansens.

Where do the Johansens travel to in the book number the stars?

The Johansens travel from Copenhagen, Denmark to Gilleleje, Denmark in the book "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry.

How did the Germans show a lack of respect for the johansens?


In the Number the Stars by Lois Lowry what happens to peter?

he was married to lise but she died. he always vist the johansens anyway. he was part of the resistance and he resisted againsted the nasiz. he died at the end. he wrote a letter before he died.

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