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You see an object, including its colour, better when you look straight at it because then you are using the area of your retina known as the fovea, or macular, which is an area of sharpest acuity.

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When you look directly at an object, you are focusing the light onto the fovea, the part of the retina responsible for sharp central vision. This allows you to perceive colors more accurately and vividly because the cone cells in the fovea are most sensitive to color. When you view an object from an angle, you are using more peripheral vision, which is less sensitive to color.

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Q: Why do you see the colour of an object better if you look staright at it?
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Do you see an object better in colour if you look straight at it?

Yes, looking at an object straight on can help you perceive its color more accurately because your eyes are directly focused on the object. This allows for more light to enter your eyes and for your brain to process the colors more clearly.

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Black is technically not a colour, merely an absence of colour. Light consists of seven colors, the object which will absorb all colors look black.

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Why do you see an object better if you look straight at it?

When you look straight at an object, the light rays from the object hit the center of your retina, which contains a high concentration of cones that are responsible for sharp central vision. This allows for better focus, clarity, and detail perception compared to looking at an object from the corners of your eyes.

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What colour would a red object seem to look like if you only shined green light on it?

A red object would appear black under green light, as it absorbs green light and does not reflect any visible light to our eyes.

Why do you see the color of an object better if you look straight at it?

When you look directly at an object, more light from the object enters your eye and is focused on the fovea, the area of the retina with the highest concentration of color-detecting cones. This allows for better color perception because the object is being viewed under optimal conditions where the light is most accurately processed by the cones.

How do colored objects look under colored lights?

If the light is or contains the colour the object it is striking, then the object will appear to be the colour it originally is. If the light is not or does not contain the colour the object it is striking, then object will appear black. This is because an object will only reflect the light that is the same colour as it, all other light is absorbed. For example: Red, yellow, magenta, and white light will make a red object appear red as they all contain red light. Blue, green and cyan light will make a red object appear black.

What colour would a green object look under a red light and why?

A green object would appear black under red light. This is because red light contains wavelengths outside of the green object's pigment range, so it cannot reflect any light back to our eyes. This results in the object appearing dark or black.