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Color is brain code for frequencies of light - compare a black and white picture with the same one in color and note the ease with which you can pick out features. So - color detects foods and enemies faster.

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Q: Why do we see different color?
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What color would a person looking at the filtered light see?

Actually the color is unknown you might see several different colors but if it was moving and you looked in a different direction you will see green 100% true.

Why are objects the color they are?

Objects appear a certain color because they reflect or absorb certain wavelengths of light. The color we see is the result of the wavelengths of light that are reflected back to our eyes. Different materials interact with light in different ways, which is why objects have different colors.

Why do certain animals see colours differently from humans?

Different animals have different kinds of color vision. Some have very poor color vision and others have very good color vision. In fact some birds and bees have super color vision and see colors that humans don't see.

Why you see different color?

Because cone cells on retina let you see colour.

Horse of a different color?

a phrase meaning 'another matter entirely' or ' a different matter altogether. see

When an object is in the sunlight why do you see its color?

When an object is in sunlight, it reflects some of the light that hits it. The color we see is the result of the reflected light waves. Different colors are absorbed by the object, and the color we see is the light waves that are reflected back to our eyes.

What is the nucleus color?

purple-the nucleus' color has not yet been "for sure" determined. the nucleus has no specific color because different scientists see it differently through different microscopes. also the color of the nucleus depends on the textbook , book , newspaper or internet page you are looking at.

What do cones allow us to see?

Cones in the eye allow us to see color. They are photoreceptor cells that are sensitive to different wavelengths of light, enabling us to distinguish between and perceive different colors in our environment.

Why does your bobbin thread show on top of embroidery?

If you can see if more than just a tiny bit, you need to adjust your tension on top. It should be even. The best way to test it is to use 2 different color threads and then a different color fabric. Stitch a straight line, then look to see what color you see on each side.

What is the clickable text on a webpage that is usually displayed in a different color?

A hyperlink, or link for short, is that clickable text you see on a webpage that is usually a different color than the rest of the text.

What color is hard to see with its actual color?

The color blue is often cited as being difficult to see accurately in certain lighting conditions, as it can appear different shades depending on ambient lighting and other factors.

What do humans see different wavelenghts of light as?

This question is rather loose ended but..Color.