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For essentially the same reason that blocks in most midwestern towns do: the builders planned it that way.

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4d ago

The alignment of the Egyptian pyramids with the cardinal directions is believed to have been intentional and linked to the sun's movement. This alignment was likely designed to connect the pyramid with the sun god Ra and facilitate the journey of the pharaoh's soul to the afterlife. Additionally, it may have also served practical purposes in construction and orientation.

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Q: Why do the Egyptian pyramids align with the cardinal directions?
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Jehovah's Witness conventions scheduled for 2009?

{| ! width="30%" align="left" | Please check JW official website. Someone put wrong info. The correct info can be found in: official website) Thanks ! width="70%" align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | ! align="left" | |}

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