Scientists believe Mars was once a wetter planet because of geological features such as dried-up river valleys, lakebeds, and mineral deposits that suggest the presence of liquid water in the past. Additionally, data from Mars rovers and orbiters have detected evidence of ancient water flows and weathering processes that could have only occurred in a wetter environment.
Mars is known for its red color, hence giving it the nickname "the Red Planet." It is also known for its volcanoes, canyons, and ice caps. Additionally, Mars has been a focal point for scientific exploration as scientists believe it may have once hosted liquid water and potentially harbored life.
Pluto, I believe.
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and is known as the "Red Planet" due to its reddish appearance. It has seasons, polar ice caps, and a thin atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide. Multiple missions have been sent to Mars to study its geology, climate, and potential for past or present life.
Scientists believe Mars has all three types of rock (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic) because of the variety of geologic processes that have occurred on the planet over time. These processes include volcanic activity, impact cratering, and water erosion, which can all contribute to the formation of different types of rocks. Additionally, data from Mars rovers and orbiters have provided evidence of the presence of these rock types on the planet.
Earth is similar to Mars because we know that life is possible on earth and some scientists believe that life is also possible in mars because it has some things which is also present in Earth and is needed for all living things.
Because of the gases that cover's mars
Mars scientists found water on. Mars
mars. now tell me why they think that?
Scientists believe as time passed, the atmosphere on Mars thinned and the pressure decreased. This caused all the water on the planet to evaporate.
Which one? mars
there are no houses on mars buut can we build houses on mars that is what scientists are trying to figure out
No scientists from Earth have ever been to Mars.
Scientist believe that the planet Mars used to have flowing liquid water. Now, the water on Mars exists almost exclusively as ice.
The Red Planet is one of them.
On mars it is hard to believe but there is a form of bacteria on planet Mars scientists are still trying to figure out if there might be other forms of life on Mars so in the 2018 scientist will send a spaceship there to see really close for et on Mars.
No humans have yet gone to Mars. We have sent robot probes to the planet.
Well, we like to call it a sister planet, but yes - it is. Many scientists believe that mars used to look very similar to earth, and have evidence that it used to possess a similar atmosphere and a plentiful supply of water.