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The only reason for the rocket is to fire the shuttle out of the earths atmosphere, once in space the rocket is no longer needed and there for they detach.

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Q: Why do rockets and spaceshuttles break up when travelling in space?
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Do rockets carry people to space?

Yes, rockets are vehicles that can carry humans into space. Crewed spacecraft such as the SpaceX Crew Dragon and the Russian Soyuz spacecraft are launched into space atop rockets like the Falcon 9 and Soyuz rockets. Once in space, these spacecraft can dock with the International Space Station or travel to other destinations in space.

What makes it possible for rockets to travel into space?

Rockets can reach space by using Newton's third law of motion, which states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. By propelling fuel out of their engines at high speeds, rockets generate thrust that pushes them upwards through the atmosphere and into the vacuum of space. Additionally, rockets must reach escape velocity, typically around 25,000 mph, to break free from Earth's gravitational pull and enter orbit.

Do rockets need fins in space?

No, rockets do not need fins in space because fins are used for stability and control in Earth's atmosphere, not in the vacuum of space. In space, rockets rely on thrusters for maneuvering and direction control.

What types of rockets were used in the Space Race?

Various types of rockets were used in the Space Race, including the Vostok, Redstone, Atlas, and Saturn rockets. The Soviet Union primarily used the Vostok and Soyuz rockets, while the United States used a combination of the Redstone, Atlas, and Saturn rockets to launch their spacecraft. Each of these rockets played a crucial role in advancing space exploration during the Space Race.

Do rockets work better in space or in air?

Rockets work better in space than in air. In space, rockets don't have to overcome the resistance caused by air, allowing them to achieve higher speeds and more efficient propulsion. In contrast, in the Earth's atmosphere, rockets have to fight against air resistance which hinders their performance.

Related questions

What is going to replace spaceshuttles in the future?

The Orion space program.

What 2 spaceshuttles blew up?

The two space shuttles that tragically exploded were the Challenger in 1986 and the Columbia in 2003. Both disasters resulted in the loss of the entire crew on board.

Have spaceshuttles been to Jupiter?

No space shuttle has been anywhere besides the space station - not even to the moon.

Why are rockets good for space travel?

Rockets aren't necessarily good for space travel they are a necessity. You cant leave earth without a rocket... you wont be able to break through the atmosphere.

How many miles per hour do rockets travel at?

it depends on the type of rocket. If your talking about space shuttles they will usally be travelling around 17,500mph

Will rockets work in space?

Yes. The space shuttle uses rockets in space to manuever.

Do rockets take animals to space?

yes rockets take animals to space

How does rockets aid in space exploration?

Rockets lift the astronauts into space to do their exploration.

Do rockets carry people to space?

Yes, rockets are vehicles that can carry humans into space. Crewed spacecraft such as the SpaceX Crew Dragon and the Russian Soyuz spacecraft are launched into space atop rockets like the Falcon 9 and Soyuz rockets. Once in space, these spacecraft can dock with the International Space Station or travel to other destinations in space.

What are three things spaceshuttles perform?

Three of the things that the space shuttle has been used for are the conducting of scientific experiments, transporting cargo to the International Space Station, and repairing satellites.

How do rockets move in space?

Rockets move in space by expelling gas at high speeds through their engines. According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So when the rocket expels gas in one direction, it propels itself in the opposite direction.

What is the difference between space rockets and space shuttles?

space shuttles were made to be reusable, rockets were used only once