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They last much longer than that. Some of the moon's craters are billions of years old. They last so long because there is nothing to erase them. Earth has wind, water glaciers, volcanoes, and tectonic plates to bury, erode, and erase craters. The moon has none of these processes. Some refer to the moon as geologically dead.

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Q: Why do craters last a million years on the moon?
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Why do craters. Last for millions of years on the surface of the moon?

Craters last for millions of years on the surface of the moon because the moon does not have an atmosphere. Saying this the moon does not have anything able to fill in the craters such as soil or rain.

Why do craters last for millions of years on the surface of the moon?

Craters last for millions of years on the moon because there is no atmosphere or weather to erode or fill them in. This lack of erosion means that craters can remain relatively unchanged for long periods of time. Additionally, the geologic activity on the moon is minimal, allowing craters to persist for millions of years.

Why are some areas of the moon smooth with no craters?

Smooth areas on the moon, known as lunar maria, were formed by ancient volcanic activity filling in large impact basins. These basins were created by asteroid impacts billions of years ago. The lava flows from volcanic activity created the smooth, dark basaltic plains we see today.

How long do lunar craters last?

Lunar craters can last for billions of years, as they are formed by impacts from meteors and asteroids which are infrequent occurrences. The lack of weathering and erosion on the Moon preserves these craters for extended periods of time.

What features were last to form on the moon?

rayed craters

Why do craters last for millions of years on the moon?

Craters last for millions of years on the Moon because there is no atmosphere to erode them. On Earth, weathering processes like wind and water can slowly wear away craters, but on the Moon, the lack of atmosphere means that craters remain relatively unchanged for long periods of time. Additionally, the Moon's surface experiences very slow geological processes, further preserving these features.

What feature was the last to form on the moon?

rayed craters

What is the main reason that impact craters on the Moon last much longer than impact craters on earth?

Impact craters on the moon have no water/weather to erode the craters away, but on Earth the erosion erases the craters over time.

How much moon does moon have?

the moon has lots of craters but one fact is that the actual moon has 77 million other moons.

What are the dents in the moon?

The dents on the moon are actually impact craters formed by meteoroids colliding with its surface. These craters have accumulated over billions of years and give the moon its characteristic rugged appearance.

Why craters on the moon last millions of years?

Craters on the moon last for millions of years because there is no atmosphere to weather or erode them. Without wind or water erosion, the impact features on the moon remain relatively unchanged for long periods of time. Additionally, the lack of tectonic activity means the surface of the moon is not constantly being reshaped.

How many eruptions did Craters of the Moon have?

The Craters of the Moon in Idaho had around 25 volcanic eruptions over the past 15,000 years. These eruptions resulted in the creation of the unique landscape seen in the area today.