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Its not uncommon to experience space sickness for the first day or two in space. Some people never adapt (see Jake Garn).

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Q: Why do astronauts floating around in zero gravity get nauseous?
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Why do astronauts appear to be floating in the space ship?

Astronauts appear to be floating in a spaceship because they are in a state of constant free fall around the Earth. This creates an environment of microgravity, where they experience weightlessness. Gravity continues to pull on them and the spaceship, but both are falling at the same rate, creating the appearance of floating.

Does gravity pull on astronauts while in orbit around earth?

Yes. Gravity is what keeps them in orbit. If it were not for gravity, those astronauts would continue out into space in a straight line.

What do astronaut beds look like?

Astronaut beds on the International Space Station are small sleeping compartments with walls to keep the astronaut from floating around while they sleep. They typically have sleeping bags that are attached to the wall to keep them in place. Astronauts sleep in a sleeping bag that is strapped to the wall inside the compartment to keep them from floating around.

Why do astronauts appear to be floating even though they are still in orbit?

Astronauts appear to be floating in space because they are in a state of continuous free fall around the Earth. This creates a feeling of weightlessness, where they float inside their spacecraft. The apparent lack of gravity is due to the spacecraft and everything inside it, including the astronauts, falling towards the Earth at the same rate.

Do astronauts wear deodorant in space?

Yes, astronauts do wear deodorant in space to help manage body odor in the confined environment of a spacecraft. However, due to the lack of gravity, they use a special kind of deodorant that is often in the form of wipes or creams to prevent any particles from floating around in the spacecraft.

Related questions

Where would we go if we didn't have gravity?

We would be floating around like you see astronauts in space do because there is no gravity in space. Gravity is what holds us down to earth.

Explain gravity on earth in regards to different masses?

if their was no gravity on earth everything would be floating around in the air and us humans would have no physical control of ourselves. Why do you think astronauts are able to float around in mid in outer space because their is no gravity.

Does gravity pull on astronauts while in orbit around earth?

Yes. Gravity is what keeps them in orbit. If it were not for gravity, those astronauts would continue out into space in a straight line.

Why are astronauts floating above the Earth in a Space Shuttle really no weightless?

Astronauts in a Space Shuttle appear weightless because they are in a state of free fall towards Earth. While they are indeed under the influence of Earth's gravity, they are moving forward at a high enough speed that they continuously fall around the planet, creating the sensation of weightlessness.

What is the name of the force that stops us floating around in the air?


Is there enough gravity to keep people on the ground?

Look around you. Are people on the ground, or are they floating around?

Can an object have mass but not weight?

Sure. Have you seen the video of the astronauts floating around inside their satellites, international space station, space shuttle, Apollo capsule, etc. ?Weight depends on the gravitational field in which the mass is located. No gravity = no weight.

Is gravity good?

well, would you want youself and your surroundings to be floating around? without gravity we would not be on the ground

How would humans cope with smaller gravity levels?

by floating around the place

Does NASA provide its astronauts with Mexican Tortillas because that's their favourite food?

No, they provide tortillas because they don't produce crumbs and the astronauts don't want crumbs floating around in the spacecraft.

Is there a possibility that gravity doesnt exist?

No. Gravity exists. You have proof of this fact by the way you are held down when you walk instead of floating around.

Are astronauts weightless during the Shuttle's launch?

Noop. In fact, as the Shuttle is accelerating, the astronauts are experiencing not only the pull of gravity, but also the acceleration of the rocket. For the comfort of the crew, they try to keep the excess gravity to about 4 G, basically 4 times the pull of gravity. Only after the engines have stopped, and the shuttle is no longer accelerating, will the astronauts feel weightless, as the Shuttle and astronauts are all falling around the Earth at the same speed.