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Q: Why do Latin names for the features of the earth relate to water and weather?
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Why do all the Latin names for the features of the moon relate to water or weather?

The Latin names for features on the moon often relate to water or weather because they were chosen during a time when astronomers believed the moon was covered in oceans. These names reflect the notion that the moon's surface might be influenced by weather patterns as we see on Earth. Despite these early misconceptions, the tradition of using Latin names has persisted in modern lunar mapping.

How does the uneven heating of the Earth relate to weather?

The gravitational pull of the moon on the earth

How do tsunamis relate to the troposphere?

The don't. The troposphere is the layer of earth's atmosphere where most weather occurs. Tsunamis are triggered by forces within the earth, completely unrealted to the weather.

What do meteoroligist study?

Meteorologists study atmospheric phenomena along with weather patterns. They then relate their findings to how weather and climate affect life on earth.

Does the United kingdom have extreme geological features weather conditions?

it has a earth quakes

What do the five agents of erosion do?

They weather away rocks and form some surface features of the Earth.

How do stalactites relate to Earth Science?

By being geological features, formed naturally from the mineral calcite by rain-water and atmospheric carbon-dioxide!

How does topography explain the changes in climate?

Topography would relate more to microclimate: 'the physical state of the atmosphere close to a very small area of the earth's surface.." The sunny side of hills will be warmer, the shady side cooler, etc.

Unique features only on earth of the weather?

The earth has very unique weather when compared to other planets. It is the only planet that experiences the four different seasons due to the planetÕs tilt. The planet earth is the only planet to experience temperate climates.

Why is it that the features on the Moon's surface are older than those observed on Earth?

The Moon's surface features are generally older because it lacks tectonic activity and erosion processes that constantly reshape Earth's surface. This means that the Moon's surface is relatively unchanged over long periods of time, preserving its ancient features.

What is the definition of geomorphology?

The word geomorphology is the word used to describe the profession of studying the Earth's surface. They study the physical features and how they relate to the geological structures.

What is the best description of a geographers field of study?

Geography is where earth science meets people science. A geographer studies the earth and its land, features, and inhabitants. They study politics and culture as they relate to geography.