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it allowed european nations to undertake transoceanic voyages without fear of getting lost

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3mo ago

Europeans made the astrolabe to navigate by measuring the angle of celestial bodies, helping determine their position at sea. The magnetic compass was created to identify the direction of travel by pointing towards magnetic north, aiding in navigation and exploration.

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Q: Why did the europeans make astrolabe and magnetic compass?
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Why did Europeans begin to use tools such as astrolabe and compass?

To make updated maps of the seas

What two inventions had the necessary technology to make sea exploration possible in the 1400s?

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What metal makes compass go haywire?

Iron can make a compass go haywire as it can create magnetic interference. When a compass is near iron or magnetic objects, it can disrupt the Earth's magnetic field that the compass relies on for accurate readings.

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The cause is the Chinese invention of the magnetic compass. The effect is the voyage of Zheng He. The invention of the magnetic compass allowed Zheng He to make his voyage.

What is the material used to make the ancient compass in ancient china?

Gold and metal but mostly metal because a astrolabe is made of gold.

What characteristic of iron would make it a bad material for housing a compass?

It is magnetic and would throw off your little dial

Why is it a bad idea to make the compass housing out of iron?

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A compass is a scientific instrument used to locate what?

A compass is a scientific instrument used to locate the north magnetic pole. The magnetic changes in the Earth's core make the north magnetic pole move over time.

When was the Chinese magnetic compass invented or made?

To invent something you have to make it. It was invented.

Why magnetic compass becomes ineffective in submarines?

The metal structure of submarines interferes with the Earth's magnetic field, causing inaccuracies in the readings of a magnetic compass. Additionally, the movement and changing direction of a submarine can make it difficult to rely on a magnetic compass for navigation. Submarines typically use gyrocompasses or other sophisticated navigational equipment instead.

What is used to make compass needles because it is magnetic?

Compass needles are typically made from magnetized materials such as iron or steel. These materials are able to become magnetized and align with the Earth's magnetic field, allowing the compass needle to point north.