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They named it Dandelion Crater as an homage to the book Dandelion Wine, by Ray Bradbury. As you can imagine there are a LOT of craters on the moon, and the ones around the landing sites needed names both for navigation purposes as well as for describing their location to mission control back on earth. It's much easier to say, for example "I'm on the south rim of Dandelion" then it is to say "I think I'm about 300 feet north, northwest of the LM, near a moderate sized crater"

To note, other craters at the Apollo 15 landing site include names like Elbow, Earthlight, Dune, Rhysling, Fan, Kimbal, Luke, Index, Quark, Ring, etc. They're just arbitrary names for identification purposes.

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Q: Why did the Apollo 15 crew name a lunar crater Dandelion Wine?
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When was Dandelion Wine created?

Dandelion Wine was created in 1957.

Can you make dandelion leaves and dandelion flowers into wine?

You are unable to make dandelion leaves and dandelion flowers into wine. This is because wine is made with fermented grapes.

How many pages does Dandelion Wine have?

"Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury has approximately 256 pages in the paperback edition.

Is wine made from dandelion?

Wine can be made from dandelion and almost any other plant. Though some may be poisonous.

Is wine made out of dandelion?

Wine can be made from many fruits beside grapes and many flowers, herbs, spices and even vegetables. Dandelion flowers make good wine, they should be collected in April and May, many recipes are available No. Wine is typically made from fermented grapes. A dandelion is a flower, which is not a grape, therefore wine is not made from it.

Who is the author of 'Dandelion Wine'?

Ray Bradbury is the author of 'Dandelion Wine'. The novel is a semi-autobiographical work that captures the essence of childhood and small-town life in the 1920s.

Can wine be made with dandelion?

Wine can be made from many fruits besides grapes, many flowers (including dandelion) herbs, spices and even vegetables. April and May are the best months to collect the dandelion flowers and many recipes are available and are easy to follow

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The Lonely One in 'Dandelion Wine' is a mysterious character who is responsible for a series of deaths in the town during the summer of 1928. His identity is not revealed until the end of the book.

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