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So we could beat Russia in a competition to see who could reach the moon first.

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Q: Why did engineers try to build rockets that could take people to the moon?
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Could V1 and V2 rockets win World War 2?

No. The rockets had far too inadequate guidance systems and couldn't deliver a significant explosive payload. Beyond that, they were far too expensive to build: Germany could not afford to build enough of them. And once the nuclear research was abandoned, which might have provided a strategically valid payload, the rockets were a military extravagance whose only value was the psychological effect on morale.

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Space exploration isnt a good idea because we are using all the money to send people to space and to build rockets when we could us it to help africa and other countries and pay for supplies.

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What impact did rockets have on the people in World War 2?

Rockets became an important type of bomb. The rockets were quick and could go far. Both the Allied Forces esp. the Navies, used rockets. The Germans made huge rockets/missiles called the V2 Rocket. It could fly from Germany over to designated cities in England. These rocket bombs bombed London and other places for over seventy days straight. This was called The Blitz. These rockets were the predecessors of the smart bombs/missiles of today and the Rockets that sent men to the moon.

Why were space rockets invented?

Curiosity is human nature. ---- so people could go up in space and learn more about it then what they could see out a telescop.

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The number of people needed to build a skyscraper can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project, but it typically involves hundreds to thousands of workers including architects, engineers, construction workers, electricians, plumbers, and other specialists.

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So they could make gas chambers because they were ignorant people

Why don't we launch rockets off the moon?

We rather to waste a lot more money and time on making many rockets who repeat past experiments to perfection. Instead we could build a large Plasma Rocket space ship on the moon where it could be launch cheaper and safer.Send astro-naults, scientists, & tourists from the moon as well,by Wayne Wood

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Architectural engineers have a tendency to travel a significant amount of time. Projects could conceivably be in any part of the world.

Did Robert Goddard decide in a cherry tree he would build rockets?

Goddard stated very clearly that, on 1899 October 19, he ascended a cherry tree in his yard, looked at the sky, and began to imagine what it would be like to actually build a device that could fly to Mars. He wasn't specifically thinking about rockets, but doing exactly that resulted from his thoughts on October 19 -- a date he commemerated for the rest of his life.

What rockets have been around the sun?

Are you seriously asking this? None. It is way too hot and rockets could not withstand the heat.

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so they could cross over the sea