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Apollo 13 wanted to go to the moon as part of NASA's mission to land astronauts on its surface. The mission aimed to further NASA's space exploration goals and scientific research. However, due to an onboard explosion, the mission had to be aborted, and the crew had to focus on safely returning to Earth.

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Did Apollo 13 go to mars?

No. The Apollo mission were to the Moon

When did Apollo 13 set off to go to the moon?

The launch date for the Apollo 13 mission was April 11th 1970 at 13:13 eastern time.

What was the reason for Apollo 13 go to the moon?

So that it could land in the Fra Mauro area on the moon.

What missions have not reached the moon?

Apollo 13, Apollo 1, Apollo 8, Apollo 10 and maybe some other ones. But missions Apollo 8 and Apollo 10 weren't planned to go to the moon. They were just preparing for Apollo 11.

Why did Apollo 13 go into outer space?

Apollo 13 went into outer space as part of NASA's mission to land astronauts on the moon and return them safely to Earth. The goal was to explore the moon's surface and conduct scientific experiments in space.

Did anyone go back to the moon after Apollo 11?

Yes, 12 astronauts in total have walked on the moon. The Apollo program from NASA sent astronauts to the moon six times between 1969 and 1972.

Who was the only astranout to go to the moon twice but never landed on the moon?

Eugene Cernan was the only astronaut to orbit the moon twice but never landed on its surface. He served as the Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 10 and as the Commander of Apollo 17.

Where did Apollo go?

To the moon

Did Apollo 13 go to the moon?

Apollo 13 went around the moon but did not land as planned due to an earlier explosion which ruptured the oxygen tanks. It was safer and used less fuel to continue around the moon than to do an immediate u- turn.

When was Jim Lovell suppose to go back to the moon?

Jim Lovell was designated to command the Apollo 13 mission in 1970. This mission aimed to land on the Moon but had to be aborted due to an oxygen tank explosion on the spacecraft. Lovell did not get the opportunity to set foot on the Moon.

Why did Apollo go to the moon?


When did Apollo 13 land on the moon?

Apollo 13 did not land on the moon. The mission was intended to, but due to an oxygen tank explosion, the spacecraft had to abort its lunar landing and return to Earth. The crew safely landed in the Pacific Ocean on April 17, 1970.