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He was a bad Titan

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7mo ago

Zeus did not imprison Oceanus. Oceanus was a Titan god of the seas, who was eventually replaced by Poseidon as the ruler of the oceans in Greek mythology.

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Daughter of oceanus and a wife of Zeus who am i?

Zeus had many children by the daughters of Oceanus, among them: Asterope, whose son was Akragas. Dione, who had Aphrodite and Dionysus. Eurynome, mother of the Kharites and Asopos. Metis, mother of Athena by Zeus. Styx, the Underworld river goddess is at times told to be Persephone's mother by Zeus.

How did the Greek god Oceanus die?

Gods cant die but the Titan Oceanus has been imprisoned by Zeus If you want to know anything about the Greeks contact me at

Daughter of oceanus and one of zeus' lovers?

The daughter of Oceanus and Tethys is the sea nymph named Thetis. She is known for being one of Zeus' lovers before he married Hera. Thetis is also famous for being the mother of the hero Achilles.

Was Oceanus Powerful?

Yes as he was the titan of the ocean and seas.He was only surpassed by Poseidon,Zeus,Hades and Cronus.

Who are the grandparents of Athena?

The parents of Zeus, Rhea and Cronus. The parents of Metis, Oceanus and Tethys.

Who is Asopus?

River god son of Oceanus and Tethys. Zeus stole his nymph daughter and dumped her on the island of Attica.

Who is the child of Eurynome and Zeus?

The Charities, or the Graces were the offspring of Eurynome (daughter of Oceanus and Tethys) and Zeus. Traditionally, there were Three Graces, Aglaea ("Splendor"), Euphrosyne ("Mirth"), and Thalia ("Good Cheer").

Who were the mother and father of nemesis?

Nyx is most often related as the mother of Nemesis, when she has a father is is Erebus. Or of Oceanus. Zeus is also mentioned as her father.

Who is Hermes grandmother?

The mother of Zeus was Rhea, making her the grandmother of Hermes on his fathers side.The mother of Maia was Pleione a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.

What was Artemis' family tree?

(Heaven) Uranus = Gaea (Earth) | --------------------------------------- | | | | | Cronus = Rhea Coeus = Phoebe Oceanus = Tethys | | | ---------------------- Leto = Zeus Iapetus | | | | | | | Hestia | Poseidon | Demeter=Zeus | ---------------- Hades Zeus = Hera | | | | | | | Persephone | | Prometheus | Athena | --------- | | | | | Atlas Epimetheus --------------- Apollo Artemis | | | | | | | Ares Hebe Hephaestus Zeus=Maia Zeus=Dione | | Hermes Aphrodite