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They divided the world so that they would not be fighting for power.

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Zeus and his brothers, Poseidon and Hades, divided the world to establish their realms of influence: Zeus ruled the sky and heavens, Poseidon ruled the seas, and Hades ruled the underworld. This division ensured that each brother had control over a distinct domain and could maintain a balance of power.

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Who was Zeus' two brothers?

Zeus' brothers were Poseidon the god of water and Hades the god of the under world

How did Zeus divide the world?

Zeus got the sky.Poseidon got the seas.Hades got the underworld.

How did Zeus divide the world with his siblings?

Zeus, along with his siblings Poseidon and Hades, drew lots to determine which part of the world each of them would rule. Zeus became the ruler of the sky and heavens, Poseidon became the ruler of the sea, and Hades became the ruler of the underworld.

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After Zeus rescued his brothers from his dad swallowing them, Zeus and his two brothers divided the whole world into separate parts, and each one controlled a different. Since Zeus was the savior of his brothers, he made himself the God of Heaven. Zeus tricked Hades into thinking the underworld was a great place, but it wasn't, and Hades was forced to stay there. Poseidon then got the title of God of the Sea and of the Storms

Is Zeus and his brothers are true?

It is true that Zeus is brothers with both Hades and Poseidon.

How many brothers did the Zeus have?

Zeus had two full brothers: Poseidon and Hades.

Who are Poseidon's brothers?

His brothers are Zeus and Hades. He also had three sisters. They are Hestia, Demeter, and Hera.

How did Zeus divide up creation?

Zeus divided up creation by giving dominion over the three realms to his brothers: Poseidon ruled the sea, Hades ruled the underworld, and Zeus himself ruled the sky and earth. Additional responsibilities and tasks were assigned to various gods and goddesses to oversee different aspects of the world.

Who is the brother of the god Zeus?

The brother of the god Zeus in Greek mythology is Poseidon, the god of the sea and earthquakes. Poseidon and Zeus, along with Hades, are known as the three major brothers who divided the world amongst themselves.

Who was Cronus and what did he do with all of Zeus' brothers and sisters?

he was Zeus's dad and he ate all his brothers and sisters

What is Zeus sister and brothers name?

Zeus' sisters were Demeter and Hera. His brothers were Poseidon and Hades

Who are the names of zeus' brothers and sisters?

Zeus has 2 brothers Hades and Poseidon and he has other "kids"