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Q: Why comets bring bad luck?
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What is a superstitious belief about comets?

The superstitious belief about comets are that they bring bad luck. Others superstitious beliefs are that comets are attacks that are brought on by the heavens.

What are the beliefs of comets when they appear on the sky?

bad luck

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Monkey bring bad luck not good luck.

Can a snake bring you bad luck?

a snake cant bring you bad luck unless it is a a adder that is black then it is a year of bad luck

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They Don't.

Which birds bring bad luck to man and why?

Birds and other animals do not bring luck, good or bad.

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Bad luck for the Conch

Does a grey pigeon outside home bring luck?

yes it does bring vast amount of bad luck

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When was Bring on the Comets created?

Bring on the Comets was created on 2007-08-28.

Does it bring bad luck to a Native Americans to kill a hawk?

In my mind every killed animal brings bad luck. Hawks are said to bring good luck. To kill a hawk is to kill your good luck with it.

Why did the English think comets were bad luck and the French thought it was good luck?

The beliefs about comets being bad or good luck were shaped by cultural interpretations. In English folklore, comets were seen as omens of disaster or unrest due to historical events coinciding with comet sightings. In contrast, the French associated comets with positive events like the birth of a king, leading to a perception of good luck.